After the hail damage, the Templo Mayor will remain closed until further notice


Ministry of Culture staff observe the damage to the roof which protects the "Eagle house", part of the ruins of the Templo Mayor archaeological site, which collapsed after heavy rains accompanied by hail in Mexico City, Mexico on April 28, 2021. REUTERS / Gustavo Graf
Culture Ministry staff observe damage to the roof that protects the “Casa de las Águilas”, part of the ruins of the Templo Mayor archaeological site, which collapsed after heavy hail rains in Mexico City, Mexico, 28 April 2021. REUTERS / Gustavo Graf

Via your Twitter account, the Museo del Templo Mayor reported that after an exhaustive examination of the archaeological center, it has been decided that it will remain closed to the public Until further notice, reconstruction and improvement works will be carried out.

“In view of the damage caused by the hailstorm on Wednesday April 28 on the roof of La Casa de las Águilas, and as a precaution, the archaeological area of ​​the Templo Mayor will remain closed until further notice. We appreciate your interest and understanding ”, communicated to public opinion.

In the second tweet, they wrote: “We will keep you informed of the latest news in this regard. Thank you”. The only thing that we know for the moment is that as long as the museum remains closed, a redesign of the four roofs of the temple will be worked on.

As a precaution, the Templo Mayor will be closed to the public (Photo: screenshot from Twitter @MusTemploMayor).
As a precaution, the Templo Mayor will be closed to the public (Photo: screenshot from Twitter @MusTemploMayor).

Last night damage to the archaeological area would have been minor, after the collapse of the metal roof that protected the area known as the House of Eagles was reported. It was reported that the structure had fallen defeated by the weight of water and hail.

“The effects on pre-Hispanic structures are minor, recoverable and restorable”, the Culture Ministry said in a statement today, after a preliminary assessment of the damage; however, the most in-depth reports and expert opinions indicated that the damage was greater.

In addition, also Officer Juan Romero, who was injured after the metal fence fell, has been reported to be stable, out of danger and he is being treated in a hospital in Mexico City.

Work will be carried out to restore the four roofs of the Templo Mayor (Photo: REUTERS / Carlos Jasso).
Work will be carried out to restore the four roofs of the Templo Mayor (Photo: REUTERS / Carlos Jasso).

This morning, the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, promised repair damage to Templo Mayor in Mexico City after the previous night’s hailstorm.

“Of course we will repair the roof, we will surely put another one and with the archaeologists, the specialists, if there was any damage, the reconstruction must be carried out, the archaeological work necessary to repair the damage”, said the president.

He also reported that the Ministry of Culture and the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) “Since last night, they have been working to see if there has been any damage.”

Finally, He clarified that there had been no damage to the National Palace, “there was only a lot of hail and there were complaints that it was very hot”.

Ministry of Culture staff observe the damage to the roof which protects the "Eagle house", part of the ruins of the Templo Mayor archaeological site, which collapsed after heavy rains accompanied by hail in Mexico City (Photo: REUTERS / Gustavo Graf).
Culture Ministry staff observe damage to the roof that protects the “Casa de las Águilas”, part of the ruins of the Templo Mayor archaeological site, which collapsed after heavy hail rains in Mexico City (Photo: REUTERS / Gustavo Graf).

The capital were surprised on Wednesday evening by the rain and hail are falling, which left in its wake puddles, floods, falling branches, trees and even collapsing roofs in different municipalities.

Through various social networks, the inhabitants of the capital shared photos and videos from the moment Tlaloc (Mexican god of rain and lightning) He showed all his power, especially with what happened in the Templo Mayor, the ceremonial center of former Tenochtitlan.

The Secretariat for Global Risk Management and Civil Protection of the Government of Mexico activated for yesterday, April 28, the yellow alert for high temperatures; however, the weather changed dramatically and there were widespread rains, hail and thunder.

The Templo Mayor area is protected to prevent further accidents (Photo: REUTERS / Gustavo Graf).
The Templo Mayor area is protected to prevent further accidents (Photo: REUTERS / Gustavo Graf).

the National meterology service (SMN) forecast for the afternoon of this Thursday rains who could be accompanied by electric shock and hail.

However, it has been reported that the atmosphere would remain warm most of the day in the country’s capital, because a minimum temperature of 13 degrees and a maximum of 31 degrees Celsius.

The storm that registered yesterday and the rains expected today in the afternoon They are due to the presence of a low pressure channel in the center of the country. This favors the period of drought and water scarcity that plagued most of Mexico.

According to the SMN, these conditions “They will generate rains and intervals of showers in Mexico City and occasionally heavy rains in the State of Mexico, which will be accompanied by electric shocks, strong gusts of wind and possible hail.”


Hailstorm at CDMX: what will happen now with the damage to the Templo Mayor
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