After the letter sent by Nicolás Maduro, Pope Francisco said that to solve the crisis in Venezuela, Juan Guaidó must also claim it.


The pontiff made this statement to the press aboard the plane that brought him back from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Guaidó, 35, was sworn in Venezuela's presidency in January, on the basis of an interpretation that the parliament, which he chairs, drafted the Constitution that Maduro usurps the presidency and has already has been recognized by dozens of countries.


Maduro asked Francisco's help to start the dialogue

"I have not read this letter yet and we will see what can be done," said the pope after Maduro revealed that he had sent him a letter.

"But for the mediation to be possible, the will of both parties is necessary, the initial conditions are clear: that the parties request it, we are always available," said Francisco, quoted by the news agency EFE.

"It's like when people go to see the priest because there's a problem between husband and wife: on the one hand …" and the other part comes or goes not "Do you want or do not you want?" "Both parties are still necessary – it is a condition that countries must take into account before requesting facilitation or the presence of a savior or mediation, both parties," he added.


Juan Guaidó: "There is no possibility of civil war"

The pontiff pointed out that "small steps" can be taken and that the last one is mediation.

"These are small initial steps, facilitators, but not only from the Vatican, but all the diplomacy coming together to create opportunities for dialogue, that's how diplomacy works," he said.

Maduro reported yesterday that he had sent a letter to Pope Francis asking for his help as part of a process of dialogue.

"I sent a letter to Pope Francis, I hope that it comes or that it is already in Rome, at the Vatican, saying that I am at the service of the cause of Christ, and with that in mind I asked him for help in a facilitation process and to strengthen the dialogue, "Maduro said while addressing Italian television Sky24.


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