After the loss of the election: will Donald Trump reveal extraterrestrial discoveries? | the Chronicle


For Daniel Beylis
[email protected]

In a globalized world where everything that happens interests and affects more or less the rest of humanity, presidential elections in the United States of America, carried out in various ways on Tuesday of the previous week in the main world power, so that this time has ratified the advances of pollsters, the Democrat Joe biden defeated the outgoing president, the Republican polemic Donald Trump.

What does this international political issue have to do with being dealt with in this supplement with paranormal phenomena, UFO cases, myths, legends, puzzles and mysteries? This shouldn’t concern you, except that the The billionaire who fell in the vote count did not tire of denouncing that there had been a huge fraud to remove him from his functions and that, for this very reason, before leaving the White House, he threatens declassify ultra-confidential documentation on extraterrestrial life and other secrets well kept by the country of the north, which would put in check a good part of history, as we know it today. Will the verbose businessman boost morale or are they mere declamations to intimidate his opponents? So is it absolutely real that information has been withheld from us on such a sensitive subject as the existence of other inhabited worlds that affect Earth?

Discover the pot

Many analysts consider, after Biden’s inexorable victory, that Trump defeated despite adding millions of votes to 47 percent of the electorate amid a huge watershed divide in the Yankee mega-power, while continuing to seek to reverse the result. threatens to initiate what he himself baptized “Big revelation“on UFOs, something he has not escaped during his four years in office. Now he would seem determined to say the truth about what he knows about the existence and relationships between humans and extraterrestrials, before concluding his only presidential term.

“A lot of people ask me about the secrets of Area 51”Trump responded to his son recently, on a radio show. “There are millions and millions of people who want to go there, who want to see it. I’m not going to tell you what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.”

What is hiding? Last month, consulted by the journalist Maria bartiromo of Fox News on UFOs, went further by saying that would further investigate US intelligence reports on the existence of UFOs and he came to threaten the potential alien races that were planning to invade the planet. What are you talking about? Your space force, created less than two years ago, is it really equipped to face higher intelligences? Where have you “associated” to one of these races to create it and be above the rest of the world powers? No. It doesn’t seem like we’re talking science fiction anymore.


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