After the meeting, Alberto Fernández destroyed the IMF and changed the way of negotiating


The candidate for the Presidency of the Front of All, Alberto FernandezHe met with the IMF authorities and after the meeting, he pointed out to the agency's representatives that the goals set jointly with the government "did not work". Alberto Fernández has changed the way he deals with the Fund. A national advocacy step has begun.

In addition, he expressed concern that a large part of the credit had been used to finance capital outflows and blamed the same organization for its responsibility in the crisis.

Alberto Fernández has thus changed the way of negotiating with the IMF and, after years of economic policy submission by the macro-direction to the agency, a stage of defense of national interests has begun.

In a statement, the Todos Front distanced itself from Cambiemos' proposed economic program and pointed out that the economy had fallen by 1.7 percent, public debt had risen by 29 percentage points of GDP, Unemployment had risen to 10.1% and as poverty rose to more than 32% and inflation soared to 53.9%. All were objectives agreed with the IMF that were not achieved.


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"Those who have created this crisis, the government and the IMF, have the responsibility to put an end to the social disaster that is now going through a growing part of the Argentine society and to reverse it. they should arbitrate each of the media and the necessary policies, "says the document. The critical line vis-à-vis the multilateral credit agency was one of the pillars of the position of the winning party of PASO.

"The economic program promoted by the national government does not reflect any of the priorities set in the Front of All platform. There is also no coincidence with the IMF's policy recommendations.. These are, in both cases, dogmatic approaches that do not meet the current objective conditions nor solve the main structural problems of the Argentine economy, "the statement said.

In this sense, the document stated that "Argentina's macroeconomic situation had deteriorated considerably." The loan received by the country and all the conditions badociated with it had not been generated. none of the expected results ". "During the meeting, the presidential candidate of the Front for All reiterated his concern that the funds granted by the IMF to the national government had been used, in large part, to finance capital outflows". added.

Finally, the Todos Front emphasized the support of the policies that would be implemented by a possible Fernández administration: "the resumption of growth through the promotion of production and employment must be the central element From an alternative economic model, the recovery of the real economy is, in turn, a condition for the stabilization of the economy and the reorientation of its financial situation. "


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