After the new payment, Dujovne will travel to Washington to meet Lagarde


A few days after the Monetary Fund confirmed a new disbursement of $ 10 870 million, Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne and Central Bank President Guido Sandleris will travel to Washington meet the authorities of the IMF.

The officials will leave Tuesday night for Washington to begin the next morning a series of meetings whose agenda was being defined. One of the expected moments of this meeting is Thursday, when the directors of both organizations will make known the global economic outlook, and regionalfor this year.

IMF director Christine Lagarde warned last week that the world economy has been losing steam " a delicate moment"Although he said that the agency did not foresee a short-term recession and expected a resumption of growth in the rest of the year and in 2020.

Last Friday, the international organization released a new reversal of funds for 10 870 million dollars. With this new foreign exchange income, the Ministry of Finance will put in place a system of daily sales for s $ 60 million, with which you will get pesos to cope with budget expenditures.

Approval of the disbursement was accompanied, on the one hand, by a general support to the government's economic policies, but also with some criticisms and warnings, especially on the level of inflation, collection and measures to offset the decline in tax revenue.

"After a few months of relative stability, financial volatility has rebounded in recent weeks, as the global financial situation has become less favorable and the results in terms of inflation have disappointed", defined the IMF statement.

According to the board of directors of the agency, the economic activity in 2018 contracted but "there are indications that the recession hit the bottom"therefore, they estimate that it will gradually recover over the next few quarters." However, inflation remains high; inflationary expectations are on the rise and the Inflationary inertia is difficult to break", anticipated the IMF.

The atmosphere of the international financial markets will be one of the factors that will determine whether the government can achieve the objectives of the program signed with the Fund. A few days ago, in a speech at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, Lagarde described the evolution of the global scenario with two data: just two years ago, 75% of the time was spent there. the world economy was rebounding; this year, the Fund expects that 70% of the global economy experience a slowdown.

In this context, Dujovne and Sandleris will seek to show how the government has adapted its monetary policy to avoid the financial crisis of last year and that the path of adjustment of public spending will follow this year in accordance with the 39, zero deficit target, It has been agreed with the IMF.


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