After the STEP, the dollar jumped nearly 11 pesos and closed at $ 57.29


The dollar was one of soft after the defeat of the ruling party at PASO and jumped more than 10 pesos at its wholesale price, so it closed at $ 55. The magnitude of the escalation would change so that, without reference, there would be a large price disparity between private and public banks, bureaux de change and brokerage firms. According to the Central Bank, the average value was $ 57.29. In Posadas, Cambios Mazza closed the day with a dollar to 52 pesos for the purchase and 58 pesos for the sale.

The clear victory of Alberto Fernández over Mauricio Macri in the primary elections led to an immediate rise in the exchange rate at the start of operations on Monday. In the city of Buenos Aires, the currency has risen to 61 pesos. There have even been bank customers who have reported failures throughout the morning and a breakdown in the operation of home banking systems.

After several hours of operation, the increase in dollars exceeded 23% and the wholesale price was well above the ceiling of the waterline. In the afternoon, the Central Bank intervened for the first time in 11 months by selling reserves and selling $ 50 million. Later, he put another $ 50 million on the table.

From that moment, the currency fell from its roof and reached 55 USD in its wholesale version. The final increase was 17% compared to Friday. In this way, the exchange rate continued to weigh heavily on the BCRA flotation ceiling with the IMF agreement.

The dollar then closed at its historic peak in nominal terms and no such sharp rise in the currency has been recorded since the end of August, when a new currency crisis forced the government to seek a second program. badistance to the International Monetary Fund.

Dollar Bank Nation and Bank by Bank

National Bank raised the price to $ 61 around 11:30. It closed between $ 15 and $ 55, which is the wholesale price.

The big dollar jumped a few minutes to $ 54.50, anticipating a new realignment of bank prices. The currency was approved at 59 pesos around 11.

Look here the price in dollars, bank by bank.

The rate of Leliq

The BCRA also raised Leliq's rate to 74%, although it could barely renew $ 13,990 million in the first auction of the day, with maturities of more than $ 243,000 million. In a second placement, he allocated approximately $ 85,802 million. The final interest rate after the two transactions was 74.78%.

The benchmark interest rate of the economy has therefore reached its nominal level. The Central Bank has sought to allow a substantial adjustment of the Leliq to discourage demand for dollars in a day of currency crisis.


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