After the tragedy of Brumadinho, hundreds of people are evacuated because of the risk of collapse of dams – 08/02/2019


Brazilian authorities evacuated hundreds of people Friday in two municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais the risk of collapse of other mining dams after the Brumadinho tragedy, which left at least 157 dead and 182 missing.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The first action was carried out in the city of Cocoa Barao, about 100 kilometers from the state capital, Belo Horizonte.

About 500 people were evicted by decision of the National Mine Agency (ANM) after a consultant had refused safety clearance at the "Superior South" dam, in the Gongo Soco mine. also owned by mining giant Vale like the dam that broke out on January 25th.

However, the company stressed that the decision is preventive and following inspections in the area following the Brumadinho disaster.

He also announced that he would set up a team capable of detecting any "millimeter movement" in the structure and indicated that "international consultants" would conduct a structural badessment next Sunday.

On February 1, they launched helicopter petals in tribute to the victims of Brumadinho. (AP)

On February 1, they launched helicopter petals in tribute to the victims of Brumadinho. (AP)

The "Superior Sur" dam, constructed from waste from the mine and surrounding lands (the same method with which that of Brumadinho was raised) is one of the 10 goals that Vale wants to eliminate, he said.

About 50 families from the municipality of ItatiaiuçuLocated about 80 kilometers from Belo Horizonte, they were also evacuated early in the morning and transferred to a hotel.

In this area, a barrage of the Serra Azul mine, owned by steel producer ArcelorMittal, may collapse, although, according to the fire department of Minas Gerais the situation is under control.

At the same time, Brazilian authorities continue rescue operations in Brumadinho, but with "minimal" hope of finding survivors. same it is possible that missing ones are never found in the sea of ​​mud who rushed from the dam.

This tragedy occurred only three years after Marianne, municipality also mineiro where 19 Samarco mine companies, controlled by Vale and BHP Billiton, broke several dams, killing 19 people and causing unprecedented environmental problems.

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Source: EFE and Archive.


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