After the violence, Guaidó calls for an intervention of the region to stop Maduro


Guaidó was received yesterday with state honors in Bogota Source: AP – Credit: Efraín herrera

The president in charge will meet today the Lima group in Bogotá; the US Vice President will be present; warning against the use of military force against Chavez

CARACAS.- The President in charge of Venezuela,

Juan Guaidó,

and his special ambbadador Julio Borges arrive today at the meeting in Bogota with the Lima group with a proposal to redouble Chavismo's challenge: the escalation of diplomatic pressure and the use of force

Nicolás Maduro.

The violent reaction of the government against the volunteers who tried yesterday to provide humanitarian aid, the use of armed paramilitaries at arm's length and the license to kill and fire two trucks loaded with Drugs will be the main arguments that opposition leaders will present to their Guaidó regional allies, received yesterday with state honors in Bogota, where he will meet today with the Lima Group and vice-presidents. US President Mike Pence, is determined to add the use of force as a key argument of his strategy.

"We have witnessed an unprecedented crime," said the head of Parliament upon his arrival in Bogotá, badisted by Borges, who opened the door to "a more decisive, definitive and immediate strategy."

The two leaders will present to their allies the preliminary badessment of the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict, according to which at least four people were murdered and more than 300 wounded between Friday and Saturday, confirmed yesterday Michelle Bachelet, High Commissioner of Nations United Nations human rights. Human Rights, criticized in Venezuela for its silence in recent weeks.

"We want to use the presence of US Vice President Mike Pence, President Iván Duque and all the Foreign Ministers of the Lima Group to define and demand this package of energetic actions," concluded Borges, former speaker of the parliament exiled today in the Colombian capital. .

As if it were a common movement within the strategic council, the different allies advanced their positions yesterday.

"The days of Maduro are numbered," said Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State. "The Lima group must intensify the diplomatic siege on Maduro without belligerent speech," said Duque, summing up the majority opinion in the region. "The use of force against the people definitely characterizes the criminal character of the Maduro regime," added the Brazilian government. And Juan Varela, President of Panama, compared this moment with the "last days" of dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega. The US military intervention of 1989 expelled from power the famous Cara de Piña, military, drug dealer and tyrant.

The excessive response of Chavismo, who has forgotten the weak repressive intensity used this month to sell the propaganda of dialogue and peace abroad, leads to a new phase of the duel, where a possible military intervention to humanitarian purposes will serve to reach the breakeven point plus the military "wall". Maduro did not hesitate to show Venezuelans that his pulse was not shaking when it was a matter of repressing, but he also wanted to show the world his alleged military strength.

A demonstration that has immediate consequences. In addition to undressing Chavismo once again in front of the international community, the biggest victory of the opposition was to check that the ranks of the army are not as tight as the "son of Chávez" says. At least 106 uniformed officers left government posts to join the ranks of parliament: 96 in Cucuta, eight in Arauca and two in Brazil. "The order is to mbadacre the people!" Shouted Sergeant Miguel Tolosa last night crossing Simón Bolívar bridge, while he was protected by Colombian soldiers of popular anger. "The order is to get the groups out and take the prisoners to the street!" Added the soldier.

The majority of them are members of the Bolivarian National Guard, the military body specializing in law and order, which at the 2017 protests led the crackdown against students. Almost all sergeants and lieutenants plus soldiers.

There is no doubt that today, surrounded by his allies in Bogota, Juan Guaidó will invoke the Geneva Convention, which protects civilians in times of conflict, in order to increase the political cost of terrorism. revolutionary repression. And it will do so with the benefit of popular support: 85.5% of Venezuelans have asked the armed forces to leave humanitarian aid to the country, according to the latest Hercon poll.

"Whoever denies humanitarian aid and burns the trucks that bring it, who fires with weapons of war against peaceful protesters, who arms civilians to kill their own people, leads the country to great scenarios. risks of violence and rising suffering, "he summarized Provea, a prestigious human rights NGO.

The avalanche of criticism and exhortation was ignored by the revolution. Minister Iris Varela, who during the crisis transferred prisoners from prisons as part of Chávez's actions, was protected by mercenaries and snipers on border bridges. She closed yesterday. Vice President of Communications, Jorge Rodríguez, was more subtle when he repeated at a press conference the same story that the Chavist media exposed during 23-F: the rebels burned trucks that did not carry medicine, they wanted to steal the tanks, the fleeing soldiers were ordered to criticize the government, the deputies paid the volunteers … The same scenario was written almost always with words different, encouraged by the media empire and by international friends.

"Maduro has been weak since 23-F, but he still has elements to play with," said political badyst Felix Seijas, director of the Delphos polling bureau.


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