After three months in power, Jair Bolsonaro has the worst negative image to the presidency of Brazil since 1985


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro recorded the worst badessment among the leaders of the democratically elected South American giant after three months of government, according to a poll released Sunday.

Since the return of democracy to Brazil in 1985, the Bolsonaro government has been the least qualified by Brazilians at the start of their first term.

According to the study submitted by Datafolha, 30% of Brazilians consider that the government of the retired army is bad or poor in the first three months.

The index was similar to that of Brazilians who think that Bolsonaro did excellent or good management (32%) or those who found it regular (33%). 4% of respondents did not comment on the subject.

The predecessors of the extreme right, former presidents Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) and Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016), leaders of the Progressive Labor Party and strongly criticized by Bolsonaro for his ideas of left, n & # 39, had disapproved of Brazilians 10% and 7%, respectively, during the 100 days of the mandate of their first efforts.

According to the study, Rousseff achieved the highest popularity rate in the first three months of government, when 47% of Brazilians felt that their management was excellent or good during this period.

The badessments were also better for other former presidents, such as Fernando Collor, whose management had been rejected by 19% of Brazilians in 1990, or Fernando Henrique Cardoso, whose first three months in office had been qualified as bad or mediocre. only for 16% of their fellow citizens in 1995.

Bolsonaro is celebrating its first 100 days in office next Wednesday, a period marked by controversy ranging from controversial reform to retirement, to the flexibilization of weapons possession, to investigations into irregularities in the management of property. 39, one of their children's money and nominations of personalities who splash the candidates of his party Social Liberal Party (PSL) and its Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles.

Previous studies indicated that prior to the inauguration, which took place on January 1, 65% of Brazilians expected Bolsonaro to form an excellent or good government, 17% believed it would be regular and 12%. He thought it would be bad or ugly.

According to the Datafolha survey, the expectations of Brazilians are positive at 59%, regular at 16% and negative at 23%.

However, for 61% of respondents, Bolsonaro did less than expected during these first 100 days of government and only 13% think they did more. 22% considered that they had done what was expected.

According to the survey, Bolsonaro's approval is higher in men (38%) than in women (28%).

Due to the level of education and the socio-economic strata, the survey revealed a polarization between those who have pursued professional studies and are richer, 37% and 35% of them, respectively, rejecting their management during their first 100 days of government. and 41% and 43%, respectively, approve it.

Among low-income Brazilians, only 26% believe that Bolsonaro's tenure has been excellent or good during his first three months in office.

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