Aftermath of the coronavirus generates disgust when kissing your partner | the Chronicle


As the different strains ofthe coronavirus All over the world, the symptoms of the disease and especially its consequences once it has passed through the human body are increasingly known.

In recent months, there has been a noticeable increase in discomfort experienced by different women and men from different countries that does not end within two weeks of infection and may even continue to be present after receiving a test. PCR after mild infection.

Recent studies claim that over 60% of people who experience Covid-19 anosmia, which is a partial or total loss of smell that may be accompanied by taste.

Last week it went viral a new condition of those people who have passed through the coronavirus which consists of changes and distortions in the normal perception of smells and is called parosmia.

This Sunday, the story of Clare Freer, a 47-year-old Englishwoman, who He suffered from this odor disorder and his quality of life took a nosedive.

Clare Freer has lost her taste and is rejecting many of her favorite dishes.

The woman explained that They gave him a positive test in March 2020 and although he regained his sense of smell in May, already in June, he started to feel that several of his favorite foods gave off a stale odor.

Clare can hardly bear to eat a crumb sandwich.

The situation was far from being resolved, it generated more discomfort, when he found out that the aroma of coffee, different fruits, toothpaste or the oven made her nauseous.

But what caught the eye the most was the story he made about the odor changes and how it generated. You cannot even kiss your partner on the mouth because you experience a foul, stale and unpleasant odor, similar to a chemical.


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