Against adjustment and repression | Encuentro Memoria …


Under the slogan "calm the adjustment and repression of Macri and the governors", the Memory, truth and justice meeting mbadively mobilized the Plaza de Mayo. In the lead, Plaza de Mayo's mother Nora Cortiñas and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel marched. The members, including the Association of Detainees-Disappeared and Correpi, among others, denounced "the adjustment plan currently implemented, hand in hand with the IMF between Macri and the Peronist governors" . Other references on the left include Myriam Bregman, Néstor Pitrola, Nicolás del Caño and Romina del Plá. "The slogan expresses the political independence of the repression exerted on the current state with Macri and Bullrich, like that exerted by the governors of the IMF's adjustment, from Gerardo Morales to Alicia Kirchner," declared Del Plá.


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