Against the clock, Theresa May seeks a new vote to advance with Brexit


Although Theresa May believes that the Brexit must be done consensually and with an agreement allowing an orderly exit, the refusal of the European Union to bargain again and Parliament's rejection to a wild abandonment put the British Prime Minister in trouble. This Wednesday's rejection of a Brexit without agreement and the insistence of the EU to not even talk about it leave few possibilities in the UK.

In this scenario, the British prime minister proposed a third vote Wednesday and warned that if the text was not approved, the departure of the EU could suffer a "long" carryover. "The House must understand and accept that if it does not support an agreement in the coming days and does not want to approve a Brexit without an agreement on March 29 (date set for the exit of the EU), this suggests that a much longer extension will be needed of the expected, "May told the deputies.

He also announced that he would present a motion to the House on Thursday proposing to organize, before March 20, a third vote about the controversial separation agreement that was negotiated until the last minute with Brussels and that was rejected twice by the British. If this time the text is accepted, the month of May will ask the European leaders to quickly postpone the date of Brexit, in order to carry out the necessary preparations.

Otherwise, before another refusal, the postponement I should be a lot older and this would imply that, in the midst of such a debate, the country should prepare for the European Parliament elections in May.

This new turning point in a seemingly endless political drama came just after MEPs voted (here 312 votes against 308) against the possibility of a Brexit without agreement. MEPs therefore voted in favor of this amendment, which highlights the chaos in British politics and the lack of support that the Prime Minister has.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, for the second time in two months, MPs they rejected the agreement that the Prime Minister has negotiated with Brussels to fulfill the mandate of the 2016 referendum, in which 52% of Britons voted in favor of Brexit.

"There are only two ways to leave the EU: with or without agreement. The EU is ready at onceEuropean Commission spokeswoman said Wednesday in Brussels "To exclude a Brexit without an agreement, it is not enough to vote against, but an agreement must be accepted"he insisted.

The Bank of England warned several months ago that a Brexit without agreement, the most feared scenario in British business circles, would lead the country to a serious economic crisis, with an increase in unemployment and inflation, the collapse of the pound and the price of housing and a reduction of nearly 10% of GDP.

In this context, the executive Reduces Growth Forecast Wednesday to 1.2% In 2019, it was 1.6%, while Finance Minister Philip Hammond warned that the British economy was still threatened by the "cloud of uncertainty" surrounding the British exit from the United States. 39; EU. And despite the result of Wednesday's vote in Parliament, a Brexit without agreement is still the "default" option, in the words of May.

According to the influence of the European chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, the United Kingdom must say what it aspires in its future relations with the EU ",what is your line clear (…) even before a decision on a possible extension ".

For its part, German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted, at a press conference in Berlin, that the most practical remains "the common interest to achieve a exit (British) ordered"


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