Against the clock, they seek to transfer the famous Argentine tourist to Chile: each day of hospitalization costs 70 000 dollars


Maximiliano Conca, a 40-year-old man from Tucumán, went on holiday to Chile with his girlfriend to travel by car along the coast of that country. But on Sunday, he had a heart attack while driving on a road from Viña del Mar and was interned in a private clinic. His medical expenses have already exceeded $ 650,000 and his family is desperate to move him to Argentina. In contrast, the Argentine government is looking for different options to facilitate the operation.

After the infarction, the tourist was referred to the naval hospital in case of emergency. Despite a history of heart disease, has not hired any type of medical badistance for the traveler. As a result, once admitted to this center, they charged a significant amount of money for medical services, including the placement of three stents.

As his family explains, while he is still in this clinic they have to pay $ 70,000 a day, a cost they can not continue to cope with. For this reason, they asked the Tucumán government to provide a medical plane to return to Argentina and, once there, to continue treatment in a public hospital. "We have to move it urgently because It is impossible to afford days of hospitalization, because they will not give you discharge before 45 days. This, coupled with studies and possible surgery to repair the injury, would be impossible to pay, "said Agustina Conca, her sister.

For his part, Gustavo Vigliocco, executive secretary of the provincial health system of Tucumán, said during a dialogue with TN What the medical plane can not leave the country under the law.

For this reason, the authorities are evaluating different options for cooperation with Maximiliano's family. "We are talking with doctors in Chile, who told us that this Friday, he could be released," said the provincial official.

Depending on the state of the tourist, they could transfer it with an ambulance or on a commercial flight to the border with Mendoza. And, from that moment, facilitate the medical plane to Tucumán.

However, the tourist's family was not very optimistic with this idea. Consulted by said they did not believe that her brother could go to the ground because of the delicate nature of his painting. "It's impossible to take as many miles"he said.

Other possible options include Maximiliano's removal to a public hospital in Chile, as there is a reciprocal agreement between that country and Argentina on health matters. But this exit, which would stop the flow of expenses, would not be viable either. Until the momentthere would be no empty bed for the tourist of Tucumán.


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