Agitation in Chile following the crime of a seven-year-old boy murdered “by his belt” by his mother


The moment of the arrest of the mother of the child
The moment of the arrest of the mother of the child

The cruel patricide was exposed in Chile, then a mother will beat her 7 year old son with a leash. The minor died as a result of ill-treatment inflicted by his mother.

The crime was announced on Tuesday and occurred in the town of Punitaqui, in the Coquimbo region, northern Chile. Although the cause is still under investigation, the first antecedents indicate that everything would have come from when the mother of the initials JACT called 911 to get an ambulance to transfer your child to a family health center (Cesfam).

In this telephone contact, the woman explained that she had her child unconscious, while shouting that “apparently I killed him”, then end the call. The above triggered that Carabinieri went to a health service to request an ambulance, when suddenly the mother arrived in a van.

According to police information, when the truck arrived at the scene, the child has been admitted to the emergency room to be taken care of by health personnel, while the mother cried in shock and said, depending on the context, “I killed him, I killed him, I hit him, he fell out of bed, I killed him.”

At that precise moment, as the woman was in tears, health workers reported that the minor had died, and this apparently also presented “Multiple bruises all over the body”, products of various blows by third parties.

With this preliminary context, Carabineros staff arrested the mother because, apparently, he was facing a flagrant crime of parricide that needed to be prosecuted.

The case was brought by the prosecutor’s office in Ovalle, who ordered the investigative police homicide squad and the experts who make up the regional forensic laboratory, examine the site of the event to clarify the respective requests the questioning of the body and the testimony of witnesses.

Regarding the above, Commissioner Claudio Alarcón, head of the homicide squad of the city of La Serena, said that “through the victim’s external recognition and analysis, we were able to determine that has injuries that could be attributable to third partiesHowever, the cause of death will be determined by the corresponding autopsy from the Ovalle medical legal service ”.

Formalization hearing

After the woman’s arrest, she proceeded to her presentation in court on Wednesday. The, the defense of the mother accused of illegality in the detention of the woman considering that there would be no immediacy in the event. However, the judge ruled that everything would have been adjusted to the law and that what was due was done.

After committing the crime, the woman went to a health center with her son, shouting: "I killed him ... I hit him and I killed him"
After committing the crime, the woman went to a health center with her son, shouting: “I killed him … I hit him and I killed him”

Once the above is resolved, Ovalle’s prosecutor, Carlos Jiménez, requested the extension of the woman’s detention until Friday Due to the fact that some information was missing such as the autopsy of the legal medical service on the body of the minor and the investigative police reports. The judge allowed this request.

This Friday, the woman appeared in court again, now to be formalized for the crime of parricide, after his detention was extended. During this trip, the prosecutor of Ovalle, Carlos Jiménez, related the facts and indicated that, according to the legal medical service, the child is said to have died of “traumatic pulmonary edema due to multiple injuries”.

For this reason, preventive detention was requested for the woman for the duration of the 90 days of investigation, which the court accepted, after the mother was considered a “danger to society”.


Three crimes against children in less than a week sparked outrage and protests in Chile

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