Agitation in Spain by a conversation of soldiers who talk about “shooting 26 million” people


The Spanish Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, today transmitted to the prosecution of the Superior Court of Justice in Madrid the contents of a conversation of a group of retired soldiers, very critical of the government, in which they claim that there is “no other way to start filming 26 million” people.

In the conversation of the Class XIX of the General Air Academy, phrases like: “There is no choice but to start shooting 26 million motherfuckers” or “What a pity not to be active to hijack a hot flight (with real weapons) from (the range of) Las Bárdenas to the headquarters of these sons of bitches ”.

The messages allude to the National Assembly of Catalonia, attributed respectively to Major General Francisco Beca Casanova and Colonel Andrés González Espinar, the newspaper reported. The country.

For his part, Robles assured that their authors “did not represent” the armed forces, and sent the cat to court “in case the events reflected therein would constitute a crime, committed by people who could also claiming the status of active soldier, without being, ”informed his department.

“In this discussion, according to the information we have, (they are making) expressions which are unacceptable in every way” which “do not represent the armed forces at all, and are doing our forces a disservice and negative favor. armies and to the king “Robles was quoted by the AFP news agency.

“It must be very clear that our armed forces are constitutional,” he said.

The conversations in the WhatsApp group, which includes senior military commanders from the Air Force, were revealed on Wednesday by the digital newspaper

In the chat, very critical of the coalition between the Socialists and the radical left that governs Spain, messages are shared such as: “I do not want these scoundrels to lose the elections. No. I want everyone and their whole line die. “

“For them to die you have to shoot them and you need 26 million bullets,” replied another member of the group, while a third stressed: “Someone will have to start doing something (legal or illegal). ) against these sons of bitches. ” according to information from

In addition, according to the portal, some of the retired military officers are among the signatories of a letter that more than 70 retired senior military commanders sent to King Felipe VI last November, in which they set out their “ efforts ”for a government that threatens“ the decomposition of national unity ”. (Telam)


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