Agreement and coalition government in Italy: Giuseppe Conte would be prime minister


The anti-system system of the Five-Star Movement (M5E) and the center-left Italian Democratic Party (PD) reached an agreement on Wednesday form a new coalition and avoid elections third largest economy in the euro area.

The M5E indicated that the coalition would be headed by the outgoing Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, who resigned after the fall of the Italian populist government, between the M5E and the League (far right), earlier this month.

"We told the President of the Republic that there was a political agreement with the PD so that Giuseppe Conte could once again receive the order of the Prime Minister," said M5S leader Luigi Di Maio. , in front of the media.

After meeting with President Sergio Mattarella, Di Maio said that "The M5S will not escape its responsibility" and remember that the movement was the most voted force in the general election last March, with the 33% of the votes.

"We have made commitments with the Italians and, whatever the cost, we will continue to maintain them," he said, quoted by the EFE news agency.

Di Maio said that "there are no solutions left or right but solutions" and that if Matarella orders Conte to form an executive, he will focus on a "political program" that meets to the needs of Italians.

The head of the M5S rejected the offer of the far-right League – with which he had ruled in coalition over the last few months – which offered him to overcome differences to continue governing the country and accused Matteo Salvini. of to be the responsible for the political crisis.

The far right politician, more and more popular because of his uncompromising immigration policy, called for an election call as soon as possible after breaking up with his political partners after a battle for a project high speed train.

"I calmly reject the League's offer and, despite this, I do not give up the work done during these fourteen months," Di Maio said.

Finally, he thanked the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who congratulated Conte on Twitter and expressed his desire to continue to lead the government. This recognition indicates that the M5S "is on the right track," he said.

Mattarella received political parties for two days in a second round of consultations and will now have to decide whether the country can have a new government with a strong parliamentary majority or whether elections should be held.


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