Aguad: "The Armed Forces will not intervene in social conflicts or replace the actions of the Gendarmerie"


The Minister of Defense, Oscar Aguad dismissed that, pursuant to Decree amending the Rules of the Defense Act on The Armed Forces may intervene in social conflicts and specified that they will not replace the actions of the gendarmerie at the borders.

"We never imagined thinking of a hypothesis of this nature (patrolling the cities or intervening in the armed conflicts of the Armed Forces.) It is a problem of the security forces," he said. in dialogue with the radio The Red .

He added: " The presence is not expected the military at the borders replace the gendarmerie What is planned at the border is to prevent groups, mainly drug trafficking and international terrorism, from settling in Argentine territory. "

President Macri announced yesterday a change of policy national defense policy, which includes the collaboration of troops of the three armies in domestic security tasks and his participation" in the custody and protection of strategic objectives " The decree was published today in Official Journal .

Mirá also

In addition, the chief Cabinet denied that the armed forces will suppress social protest.

"What is now authorized is that the Armed Forces are acting against any attack of external origin that may be perpetrated by a state or by new organizations related to terrorism. and drug trafficking, "explained" The decree was regulated by former President Nestor Kirchner, who restricted the actions of the armed forces to an external attack, as long as it came from another State, since this possibility has disappeared, today the armed forces had no sense of being Then we expanded the faculty against terrorist groups and narcos. "

And continues:" The decree repeals two or three articles that ruled over the former president Néstor Kirchner, who restricted the actions of the armed forces to suppress an outside attack, as long as it came from another State. As this possibility has disappeared, today that they no longer had the sense of being, so we expanded (the ability to intervene) against the groups. Oristas and narcos. "

In this vein, Aguad felt that the fight against drug trafficking is hard and will be vast :" It is a subject that we will have for many years, but now we want to avoid These groups are settled at the borders. "

Regarding a possible debate in Congress on this issue, Aguad felt that after 35 years of the National Defense Law, and before the progress of the new technologies and changes in the world ", we must review it and go to Congress" .

"It should also be done with the Law of Internal Security and Intelligence. These are the three pillars of security, "he said

and left open the possibility of the government developing new plans for discussion in Parliament, but felt that would not happen short term. 19659002] "Peace and tranquility are necessary to go forward with this debate and we are not at that moment, maybe it will be possible after the elections, if these conditions are met" he concluded.

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