Agustín Rossi: "Macri was lucky that Alberto Fernández won"


The national deputy of the Front for Victory, Agustín Rossi, declared that President Mauricio Macri "was lucky" in "that he won a leader like Alberto Fernández", which he described as "symbol of moderation, responsibility and rationality". .

In dialogue with MDZ RadioRossi also criticized the national government for its participation in Congress "when potatoes are burning," although he stressed that, according to Kirchnerism, "we are ready to try that the executive power sends, to exercise caution, restraint, technical responsibility and responsibility. " , with reference to the draft law which establishes new "voluntary" debt conditions under local jurisdiction, without capital or interest, as well as obligations governed by foreign legislation.

"I badume that this debt is expressed in pesos and under local law, so there must be many common savers who need to be protected from all circumstance." For institutional investors, a division between the public and private sectors on the other hand, private investors, "said the MP.

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Regarding his thoughts on what happened during the August elections, Rossi expressed his support for the Paso: "I continue to claim the primary system as a means of selecting candidates, because before the implementation of the primary, the selection of candidates was reduced to the decision of the party elites, now it is the citizens who are responsible for choosing ".

After mentioning, for example, the provincial primary election in Mendoza within the PJ, which saw the winner of the camper Anabel Fernández Sagasti, Rossi has pronounced in favor of the P4. a revision of the time between the first election and the general elections, because "it seems that it is an error too much time", he proposed "to reduce it to 45-50 days, which would delay the beginning of the electoral calendar ".

Finally, the MP for Kirchner rejected accusations of attempted overthrow of the national government: "We want President Macri to end his tenure on December 10, ordering the best possible macroeconomic variables of Argentina to leave the Bank central government with a reasonable amount of reserves and taking the necessary measures to make the social cost of this policy the least prejudicial for all Argentineans ".

In this sense, he said that "the president of the nation was lucky to have won a leader like Alberto Fernández, symbol of moderation, responsibility and rationality, we act in this direction".

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