Aiming to sell services to China | One of the largest business lounges


“The Chinese lounges become, because of their volume of business, the The most important in the world. On this occasion, we have the presence of more than 120 Argentinian companies, five times that of the previous edition “, indicated the ambassador in China, Sabino Vaca Narvaja, during the inauguration of the Argentinian stand at the China International Trade in Services Fair (CIFTIS) 2021. Among the presence of national public and private companies, stand out IMPSA, VENG SA, Y-Tec, Globant, CONAE, Terragene SA. Tourism, software, and computer and design services companies have also registered.

China is a central player in the global technology race. Indeed, over the past 20 years, the Asian country has increased its incentives for research and development (R&D).

“It is only in the last decade that emerging industries, with the 5G technology and the aerospace industry as its flagship, contributed more than 20% to the growth of China’s gross domestic product. As a result of these policies, it has consolidated over the past few years as a first country in the world to file technological patents“, They explain from the Argentine embassy.

In this context, the organization of CIFTIS is framed, which according to Chinese government figures brings together representatives of 4,400 companies, mostly online because of the pandemic. Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified that the Argentina participates with 36 tourism companies; 24 computer software and services; 21 firms in the professional services sector and 20 design firms. It is followed by sports, audiovisual and interactive media companies and artistic presentations. Most of the companies are based in the city of Buenos Aires, followed by the province of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Córdoba and Mendoza.

The event is organized annually by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce in collaboration with the Beijing Municipality. The Argentine government reported the participation of representatives of the Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation, Productive Development, Tourism and Sports, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Education, Culture and Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Public bodies are also involved, such as the CNEA, Arsat, CONAE, INTI, INTA, Conicet and Invap.

“The fair is a platform for the promotion of trade in business services and finance, communications, construction and engineering, distribution, education and the environment,” said they indicated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Rubén Geneyro, president of the INTI, explained that “this is a very good opportunity to that the technological offer of the institute is known. Argentinian companies aim to export to China and INTI, INTA and Anmat make it possible to strengthen the productive offer with internationally recognized certifications “.

“For example, INTI is a regional hub for issuance of certificates EPD, environmental cut. There are leading companies that want to achieve this recognition which reflects their environmental footprint, which has a positive impact in markets as demanding as in China. In the goods sector, we are working with the wine sector in the detection of phthalates in order to unblock shipments to China. Also with cooperatives in Mar del Plata to certify the absence of cadmium in fishmeal and thus be able to recover the Asian market “.


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