Airlines are starting to implement the “passport …


The airline company Singapore Airlines will open next week a “digital passport” which will allow passengers to demonstrate their state of health in relation to the coronavirus. His name is Travel Pass and people who have already been tested for covid-19 they can take it on the different trips that they perform without requiring new procedures.

The Travel Pass was developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and It is an application that displays and authenticates the health data of each traveler, such as their covid-19 tests or their vaccination status., to facilitate checks.

Initially, the Singaporean airline will begin testing the device on flights between the city-state and London from March 15 to 28 with passengers whose smartphones run iOS.

With the new mechanism, users can book tests for COVID-19 at a clinic through the app. And after registering at the clinic, they will receive the test results and confirmation of their state of health in the Travel Pass. They will then be asked to prove their state of health via the app at the time of billing.

Other airlines, such as Air New Zealand and Emirates, are also expected to participate in the testing of this app. This will “help put the global airline industry back on track”said Nick Careen, an executive of the association. The airline industry is estimated to have lost an estimated $ 510 billion in revenue last year, due to the virus.

The digital passport It will be approved by governments and aviation industry regulators. The data will have this guarantee, as well as the data confidentiality to be encrypted via a computer security system. The only one who will be able to enter the information of his own vaccines is the user and the person or entity to whom he wishes to share it.

It is estimated that in the coming months it will be available for Android and iPhone; This will use the Secure Enclave features of Apple devices and similar security encryption technology for Android.

In addition, for the launch of the new digital device, IATA has partnered with different laboratories to securely link their test results (covid-19) to the verified identity of the Travel Pass holder.

A study by the same association found that 70% of passengers were afraid to hand over their passport, phone or boarding pass airline agents, security personnel or government officials at the airport. In the same way, 85% said contactless processing throughout the airport would make them feel more secure and 44 expressed their willingness to share personal data to enable the contactless process.


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