Airlines has denounced a guild of pilots for protest messages on aircraft – 07/16/2018


By speakers and in full flight, at least a dozen pilots Aerolineas Argentinas protested against commercial air policy in connection with the entry of "low cost" companies in the country. But this Sunday, one of the commanders refused to do so and received pressure from a trade unionist, which harmed his health. Meanwhile, the company has denounced one of the guilds for issuing these messages.

The spokespersons of Aerolíneas Argentinas confirmed to Clarín that the event s & # 39; has pbaded Sunday morning. "The flight was leaving Buenos Aires and when the pilot showed up in the boarding hall, he met with a delegate from the Air Pilots Association (APLA) who invited him to read the booklet ., and there is a crossword of words, with witnesses, "they explained.

According to company sources, during the flight to Ushuaia the pilot began to feel bad . He then referred the flight to the co-pilot and asked him to take over. Once in the southern city, the man went to a medical center and was found to have high blood pressure . Currently, he is in good health.

As a result of this incident, the 1893 flight that was due to take off on Sunday from Ushuaia was suspended. This has generated economic losses for the company and great complications for customers, said the company.

"There is probably a criminal complaint ]" is a decision of the pilot – the spokespersons said – there will be a sanction for pilots who read the messages, we have identified about 12 pilots, they are all delegates, who appeal to their impunity for unions to do this. "

In this regard, the company has presented this Monday morning a complaint against the APLA to the Ministry of Labor " asking for the same. urgent intervention of the labor authorities. "

"According to the timely notice, the company will punish personnel who carried out activities prohibited by the rules of conduct and aviation safety," said Airlines in a statement. "The company has requested the immediate intervention of the Ministry of Labor so that it can decide whether the reported facts represent a violation of the compulsory conciliation issued by the said authority on July 10", he continued.
[19659005] The company refers to the use of the audio system for the broadcast of a message as something "completely inappropriate and constituting an illegal work action". And he adds that any comments that the crew makes to the speakers "are governed by internal rules, and can not include personal opinions, or affect the safety of the flight."

In fact, according to company spokesmen commented to Clarín that there were people who were traveling aboard. planes who worried while listening to such messages . "The alarm is generated, which affects pbadengers and the company," official sources said.

"It is important to point out that Aerolineas Argentinas has not authorized the use of any means of communication of the aircraft for such purposes. Union action, which has generated anxiety and unrest among pbadengers, affecting the normal operation of the company, "the statement concludes.

The message that was read on several flights, first in Spanish and then in English, it says: "We are concerned today by the fact that the Department of Nation Transportation promotes a commercial and air policy that tends to have an increasingly unregulated aviation in the country with fewer intervention from the control bodies, amending the regulations to allow for fewer delays. Pilot training, fewer maintenance checks, while allowing growth and outsourcing of flights, thus affecting our work. "

Clarín tried to communicate on several occasions with the authorities of the APLA, without getting an answer.

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