Airports: Unusual things that people do to not get bored – 25/04/2019


Because we arrived early, the flight was delayed or the connection times were too long, all agree that in general, Waiting times at airports are boring, exhausting, endless.

You can take something, move between businesses and duty-free gondolas, answer a few messages when there is Wi-Fi … and not much else.

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In this video, a series of bored pbadengers looked for some weird or unusual ways to spend the time waiting as best as possible. And they have surely helped other pbadengers to distract themselves for a moment.

It should be noted that, probably at airports like the world's best, Changi Singapore, awarded for the seventh consecutive year, it is easier to spend the hours of waiting without resorting to these imaginative methods of video.

Precisely, Changi is distinguished by its offer of services and entertainment to pbadengers. But that's an exception.


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