Al Chino Darín sounded "weird" Bertuccelli's attitude


She said she noticed some "intentionality" when she went to blame her father for letting her out and "never talking about anything"

  The Chinese Darin looked

The Chinese Darín left to make a public bank to his father: "I know how to manage life" / file

Weeks have pbaded since Valeria Bertuccelli pointed his former partner Ricardo Darín to "unleash", which makes him has earned critical, as well as the accused. Someone who had previously expressed his opinion in this confusion was the "Chinese", the son of the star of the national cinema. But now he puts pepper on the subject

Visiting Argentina for the promotion of the film "The Angel", the actor also visited "Cortá por Lozano" and said nothing. "How can I not go into the bank? But not because he's my old man, because he's a person I know and I know how he behaves in life. I am not the only one to know it, we are many and save money because I know the type of person that it is and countless people can testify to it.I do not doubt it for a second . "

Darin's son pointed out to Valeria for saying what she said and then calling for silence:" With all the awareness that it means to know that a public demand for these features must be heard and want everything But there comes a time when I say that it seems like something almost hurtful, to throw something and never be much more loaded. "

The gallant added that" we we all live with great anxiety because they are people we want and with whom we have links. What is real? "

Visibly upset, when asked when he did not know Bertuccelli when he said what he said, he replied," I can not say I do not did not know. I know my old man in depth. You meet people all the time and tease them, but you do not really know what they are made inside. What I notice is a certain intentionality when it comes to making it public and never talking about anything else. I do not know, it seems a little strange to me, "he concluded.

A few days ago, Calu Rivero, Chino Darin's ex-girlfriend, put a lukewarm stance on this scandal. affection that he feels for this family, but "I will always be on the side of the woman, I will speak, I will express and I will take out what disturbs her."


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