Alan García, a political life full of dramas and a last tragedy – 18/04/2019


The tragic death of the former Peruvian President Alan García, who shot himself in the temple when he was to be arrested, accused of the crime of money laundering, it was the last desperate act of a politician accustomed to dramatic maneuvers.

Charges, Escapes, Political Asylum, Exiles, Trials, Scandals and Persecutions They have marked his political vicissitudes since taking office for the first time in 1985, in a series of actions that reached their final point on Wednesday.

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Young and daring, García badumed the presidency of Peru in 1985 when he was only 36 years old and engaged in a left-wing economic program.

Under the name of "Caballo Loco", García promoted a project including: the refusal to pay the external debt and the attempt to nationalize the bank.

Young and daring, García badumed the presidency of Peru in 1985 when he was only 36 years old and embarked on an economic program left (AP).

Young and daring, García badumed the presidency of Peru in 1985 when he was only 36 years old and embarked on an economic program left (AP).

While the terrorist group Sendero Luminoso has advanced brutally in its attacks against the Peruvian state, inflation in the country has reached 7,000%.

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His popularity dropped and he left office in 1990 for his successor, Alberto Fujimori, whose candidacy he supported at the expense of writer Mario Vargas Llosa, and left a country bankrupt and at war with terrorism.

July 28 of this year, Garcia returned his presidential group and left without even hearing Fujimori's first official speech.

Alan García read a television message in Lima in 2011, in which he thanked Peruvians for working with his government and reviewed his accomplishments over the past five years (EFE).

Alan García read a television message in Lima in 2011, in which he thanked Peruvians for working with his government and reviewed his accomplishments over the past five years (EFE).


After his first presidential term (1985-1990), Garcia immediately faced investigations relating to alleged illicit enrichment.

In 1991 he was removed from the jurisdiction that protected him from tax investigations in his capacity as former president and senator. it has been restored in March 1992 after "insufficient evidence" against him.

In April of this year, Fujimori (1990-2000) organized a state autogolpe and immediately Several armed men went to Garcia's home with the alleged intention of arresting him.

The President of Peru, Alan García, at a press conference in 2008 at the Government Palace in Lima (Peru) (EFE).

The President of Peru, Alan García, at a press conference in 2008 at the Government Palace in Lima (Peru) (EFE).

Garcia escaped through the neighboring rooftops and he hid for several weeks before entering the Colombian embbady in Lima, as had Victor Raul Haya de la Torre, founder of his party, many years previously and had asked for political asylum.

The government of Caesar Gaviria grants him protection and finally has a safe driving this allowed him to travel to Bogota in a Colombian air force plane.


In Colombia, García defended several extradition attempts initiated by Peruvian justice, controlled and directed by Fujimori, which allowed the Bogotá government to refuse to send him to his native country.

Peruvian President Alan García received his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on December 11, 2009 at the Government Palace in Lima (Peru) (EFE).

Peruvian President Alan García received his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on December 11, 2009 at the Government Palace in Lima (Peru) (EFE).

Vladimiro Montesinos, "the operator" in the shadow of Fujimori's power, he spied and harbaded Garcia, who finally left for France to escape the persecution, where he was also questioned by the capital, he founded a transport company and lived in a luxury apartment in Paris.

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When Fujimorismo fell in 2001, the Supreme Court of Peru declared prescribed the crimes for which he was persecuted and he was able to return to the country without problems and without ever responding to the accusations, which included an endless investigation into the 1986 mbadacre of hundreds of prisoners accused of terrorism in the criminal island of El Frontón, located in front of the port of Callao in Lima.


In 2001, he returned to the presidency and was defeated Alejandro Toledo, whose direction he headed, after a change of line to a populist option on the right, he again won the presidency after defeating former nationalist Ollanta Humala in 2006.

The outgoing President of Peru, Alan García, hands the presidential belt to the military head of the Government Palace, Jaime Araújo, on July 28, 2011 in Lima (Peru) (EFE).

The outgoing President of Peru, Alan García, hands the presidential belt to the military head of the Government Palace, Jaime Araújo, on July 28, 2011 in Lima (Peru) (EFE).

After a government with very good economic indicators, but this has not spared controversy, including the deaths of 10 indigenous peoples and 23 policemen in a violent clash in the Bagua city of Amazon, It was a third period in 2016, but it was a resounding failure with only 5% of the he started sharing his house between Madrid and Lima.

At the end of this year, Marcelo Odebrecht admitted to having paid millions of dollars to Peruvian officials for years to obtain public works. among them to the hierarchies of the García government.

Gradually, the figures related to the president were falling, in a circle narrower and narrower and the prosecutor's office officially opened an investigation against him.

The coffin of former president Alan Garcia is transferred to the "Casa del Pueblo" of Lima (Peru) (EFE).

The coffin of former president Alan Garcia is transferred to the "Casa del Pueblo" of Lima (Peru) (EFE).

On November 17, 2018, García returned from Madrid to Peru to testify in the investigation and was surprised when the prosecutor announced that it would be studied by aggravated collusion and money laundering.

The same day, a judge has declared an impediment to leave the country for 18 months for Garcia, who entered Nov. 18 in the residence of the Uruguayan ambbadador in Lima to seek asylum to his government, claiming that he was a "persecuted politician", but Your request was rejected.

EFE Agency.



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