It's a top secret base. It is erected in the province of Xinjiang, China. This is one of the main weapons available to the regime to fight against the race to space and represents a threat to Where is. This is a site dedicated to disabling satellites with specific weapons and advanced technology.
The installations were discovered by satellite images by a retired Indian colonel. Vinayak Bhat Specialist of the regime and its weapons, he gathered the photographs and thanks to his military knowledge, he was able to determine what he was doing.
The place has high power neodymium laser, a rare chemical used in television tubes. Now, the Chinese are using it as part of the antisatellite weapons (AST, for his acronyms in English).
The base – which was not known – is dedicated to the detection of satellites. Your mission: leave them out of the race. "Once the precise trajectory of the satellite and other data is known, directed energy weapons at five different locations can perform the task."he explained Bhat in dialogue with Washington's free bacon.
According to confidential American and European reports, "it is likely that China is looking for laser weapons to interrupt, degrade or damage satellites and their sensors and may already have limited capacity to use laser systems against satellite sensors"
These AST they can have effects ranging from temporary to permanent and include lasers, powerful microwaves and other types of radio frequency weapons that could leave a whole country adrift for days. according to Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) an attack of these characteristics could damage the satellite sensors in the field of view of the sensor.
By the time these images have been discovered, anxiety is growing in the United States because of the importance that he will have in the Argentina a base of similar characteristics without official control.
According to a comprehensive journalistic report from the agency Reuters the facilities located in Neuquén it's a "black box" that lacks supervision from the Argentine state. The diagnosis is based on hundreds of documents provided by the national government and reviewed by experts in international law.
One of the key sites of the Chinese station is its reception center. During the screening, his goal was to explain the function of his powerful 16-story antenna. The center is now built behind a 2.5 meter high barbed wire fence that surrounds the entire space station complex.
The mystery surrounding the sitescientist"It's absolute and only Chinese regime staff are working on it." It is suspected that it is more than disclosure and that its purpose would be related to the base found in China. Xinjiang.
Tony Beasley, director of National Observatory of Radioastronomy of the United States, raised a few weeks ago that the station could, in theory, "listening"Satellites from other governments and who could collect confidential data, but this type of listening could be done with much less sophisticated equipment.
"Everyone can do that. Basically, I can do it with a plate in my yard"he said Beasley. "I do not know if there is anything particularly sinister or disturbing about part of the Chinese space radio network in Argentina"
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