Alarm in London for an explosion on an airplane – 03/03/2019


An Airbus 320 from the low cost airline Laudamotion had a minor incident when he had to interrupt his flight from London Stansted Airport to Vienna, Austria. That was because of the deafening noise of an explosion that made eight light wounded.

Between the agitation and even the general commotion, crew members asked pbadengers to use emergency exits and leave the plane in a hurry.

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Thomas Steer, one of the pbadengers of the flight, made delacariones to the agency Press Association. He said that after about 15 seconds of acceleration, there was a "Strong burst on the side of the plane, which stopped", shortly after 8 pm

The incident slightly injured eight people and forced the authorities to close the London-Stansted airport for three hours, which caused inconvenience to many pbadengers. The causes of the explosion are not yet clear.

London Stansted Airport is located in Esbad, 50 kilometers northeast of the capital, on the M11, between London and Cambridge. During the Second World War, it was a military air base.

Source The Vanguardia



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