Alarm in Spain for 14 children with "werewolf syndrome" | Chronic


Concern in Spain for the disease known as "werewolf syndrome" at least 14 minor boys.

According to the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), everyone would have taken omeprazole in a deplorable state, which would have caused him hypertrichosis, a disease causing excess hair.

According to sources confirmed by the Spanish Ministry of Health, the drug, sold in about thirty pharmacies, contains minoxidil, an active substance often used in drugs to fight or prevent alopecia.

Another of the little ones who developed this syndrome.

Newborns received omeprazole in the form of homemade compounds as master formulas for treating gastric reflux.

None of the affected people suffered from any other relevant disorders and, in any case, the appearance of hair gradually disappeared after the interruption of the drug administration.

Young people with this disease who produce excess hair must follow intensive treatments.

The first warning issued by the AEMPS regarding the marketing of this defective medicine, which concerned only one batch, dates from July 11th. Subsequently, on 6 August, the same alert was extended to 22 additional batches, after the notification of three new cases.

Both boys are suffering from the baby "Werewolf Syndrome".


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