Alarm in the region because of Pedro Castillo’s plans if he wins the ballot in Peru: constitutional reform, media intervention and business expropriation


Like a file of the supporters of the candidate for the presidency of Peru Pedro Castillo, of the far left party Peru Libre, in Lima (Peru).  EFE / Aldair Mejía / Archives
Like a file of the supporters of the candidate for the presidency of Peru Pedro Castillo, of the far left party Peru Libre, in Lima (Peru). EFE / Aldair Mejía / Archives

The first to sound the alarm after a long period of silence was the Nobel Prize for Literature Mario Vargas Llosa. A recognized anti-Fujimorist and one of the most respected – and expected – opinions in his country, the writer was not lukewarm, but very direct: “A government of Castillo would be a real disaster.”

Deep in his argument, Vargas Llosa was forceful. “It would not take much more to indicate that Pedro Castillo’s Peru will integrate the countries which, following the Mexican government, want to resuscitate the Puebla group and break with the Lima group. In other words, it will go back to that inaugurated by Commander Chávez in Venezuela, the socialism of the twenty-first century, which forced more than five million Venezuelans to emigrate to neighboring countries so as not to die of hunger, ”he said. -he explains. .

For the writer, the society that Pedro Castillo will create “will have all the characteristics of a communist society.

Vargas Llosa explains that a Castillo government will likely lead to a short-term military coup in Peru: “Right-wing military, or leftist in the ‘Velasquista’ way, which as has always happened in our history , will barbarically return to the country and it will impoverish it much more than it is ”.

And for the distracted, He recalled that Castillo is on the extreme right: “He is against same-sex marriages, sex education in schools and abortion.

Mario Vargas Llosa:
Mario Vargas Llosa: “Peruvians should vote for Keiko Fujimori, because he represents the lesser evil”

The historic Peruvian aprista leader Luis Gonzales Posada also warned of the danger of a victory at Castillo. “He seeks to draw a political axis, Lima – La Paz – Venezuela – Cuba, which would represent total destruction.”

“It is difficult to understand how in a country like Peru a candidate not only from the left, but from the extreme left, who declares himself a Marxist, Leninist, Chavist, Kirchnerian, Fidelist. It’s very strange, but it’s not unusual, ”said the former Minister of Justice and External Relations in the first government of Alan García (1985-1990).

In his analysis, he said it was as serious as it was explicit. “Candidate Castillo was much more transparent and honest than Castro in Cuba or Chávez in Venezuela were at the time. He said what he intended to do ”and listed: the dissolution of Congress and the convening of a Constituent Assembly, as well as the possibility of closing the Constitutional Court and the Office of the Ombudsman and the nationalization of deposits. As he analyzed it, these measures “will condemn the Peruvian people to absolute poverty, to misery, to the people who today support them with their vote and can make them president”.

Indeed, the government plan with which Castillo arrives at the polls repeatedly quotes leaders such as Fidel Castro and Bolivian Álvaro García Linera, but one of the most mentioned is Ecuadorian Rafael Correa. In addition, he does not skimp on the appointment of other leaders, some of whom are considered dictators for their human rights violations.

“Presidents Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Néstor Kirchner, Cristina Fernández, Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff, Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro, Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro, Manuel Zelaya, Daniel Ortega and Pepe Mujica were at the highest point of the Latin America integration, based on sovereign principles, ”says Cerrón in his document. As he underlines, the group “gave dignity to the continent”, but Peru “has unfortunately always been a disappointment in the face of these attempts”.

Jaime Bayly In his show “7X7”, he also analyzed the plans of Vladimir Cerrón, whom he considers “the ideological leader” of Castillo. “What a danger to listen to the ideological boss of Pedro Castillo, Mr. Vladimir Cerrón, talk about Venezuela and how Venezuela should be a model to perpetuate itself in power,” he said. “He says that we are going to come to power and that we are never going to give up power. It is the communist model, the Chavist model, which is dangerous for Peruvians to vote for this model, ”he added.

Jaime Bayly (Gustavo Gavotti)
Jaime Bayly (Gustavo Gavotti)

“My great fear is that the majority of the 2 million, or nearly 800,000 Peruvians who voted for him on Sunday, do not know that if Castillo comes to power, it will be another Venezuela. They dream that Castillo will improve their life and I suspect it is the other way around ”, manifested.

Castillo, who has won support from poor regions, also proclaimed during his campaign that if he won the presidency he would call a referendum to rewrite the political constitution to give the state a more dominant role in it. economy. A path followed by Venezuela (1999), Ecuador (2008) and Bolivia (2009). It is also currently followed by Chile, through a Constituent Assembly.

On this point, Vargas Llosa, has marked the danger since Castillo has announced that he will revise all international treaties.

Another of his initiatives is regulate the content broadcast on television, radio and print media. In chapter VI, page 28, of its government plan, Peru Libre proposes a law to achieve its objectives and considers it necessary sever international ties such as with the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA).

In his chapter IV, page 20, he explains that “a law on the media is urgent and not to confuse freedom of the press with impunity”. In addition, it highlights the elimination of “any element which distorts the educational policy and the spirit of our generations, such as the famous” unwanted “radio and television which is broadcast in the country”.

In an interview with the RPP, Moquegua-elected Castillo party congressman Samuel Coayla said the party seeks to regulate “nothing” programs and used “reality” programs as an example. . He also warned that the government would deal with content restrictions through the ministries of education and culture.

Castillo’s plan also advances the nationalization of private companies, particularly in the “mining, gas, oil, hydro-energy and communications” sectors., among others. ”The model they envision is that of a“ popular economy with markets. ”Consulted by El Comercio, economist Diego Macera explained that“ pushing a state to active commercial activity in the economy leads us to learned failure scenarios as in Peru in the 70s and 80s ”.

“Wanting to put an end to mining, which is the wealth of the Peruvian Andes, is unprecedented recklessness, the daughter of sheer ignorance, which would stifle one of the fundamental sources of national development,” Vargas Llosa wrote indignantly.

“The right to vote is not enough if Peruvians are wrong and vote badly. They already did in the first round. It is important that they do not reproduce the error ”, warned the writer his fellow citizens… but also the world.


The five key points that show the proximity of the Peruvian candidate Pedro Castillo with Chavismo

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