Alarm in the United Kingdom: they warn that the variant …


From the government of Boris Johnson they alerted on the possibility of a sharp increase in cases for the variant Delta of coronavirus, from India. They even anticipated that the current scenario represents a threat in the face of the scheduled lifting of the last restrictions.

UK Health Minister Matt Hancock has confirmed that 40% more is transmitted than the British variant, until then dominant in the country. “The best estimate of the growth benefit, as we call it, is around 40%,” he said, citing research from the group of scientists who advise the government.

Hancock also confirmed that the government openly considering the possibility of postponing the reopening date. “For the moment it is a date marked in pencil”, noted before indicating that social distancing measures could continue beyond the final reopening phase described by the authorities

However, despite the increase in the number of new cases of Covid-19 In recent days, which have exceeded the 5,000 cases recorded daily, the number of hospitalizations has remained stable.

It should be noted that most hospitalizations concern unvaccinated patients, according to the Minister of Health.

The United Kingdom, most affected country in Europe with around 128,000 deaths, administered at least a first dose of vaccine to more than 40 million people. More than 27 million people have already received a second dose.

However, the arrival of variant Delta, first identified in April in India and now dominant in the UK, threatens the lifting of the last restrictions expected on June 21.

Then, About three-fifths of adults will be fully vaccinated, Hancock added, up from 52% currently.


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