Alarm: Three out of ten Argentines have never had an orgasm


47% of women have badual dysfunction (DSF) and 30% reported never having had an bad, according to a study published by the University Hospital of Buenos Aires at the end of tomorrow, the International Day of Female Orgasm, to promote the debate on baduality and to destroy the myths.

The data from the report published today comes from a survey conducted in 2018 in the gynecology waiting room of the Clinic Hospital among 500 women of different ages.

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"What we found is that while we detect 47% of dysfunctional cases with lack of desire, lubrication or anbadia (lack of bad), only 3% of these cases had been referred to a specialist, "said the head. of Sexology of Clinical Gynecology Division, Silvina Valente, Telam

The specialist, who clarified that it was preliminary results, explained that "with regard to bad, the survey showed that three out of ten women never had an bad and of these, 11.3% do not encounter it as a problem. "

"This is the most striking fact, that there are a naturalization of not having an bad or ignorance of what it is and in some cases, we see a confusion between bad and excitement, "said Valente.

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"The truth is that always there are women who believe that the badual relationship ends when the man ejaculates and for many reasons, they do not continue to seek their pleasure. It is therefore important to explain that a badual relationship is not synonymous with badl intercourse or badl penetration, "he added.

Among the many causes that contribute to the lack of bad, the badologist has identified the lack of information.

"The" erectile "organ of the woman is the clitoris located outside the bad.The cultural dimension conferred to the penetration makes lose sight of the bad stimulation and in many cases , the lack of bad is badociated, "he explained.

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"Of course, there is no" one-size-fits-all, "every woman should look for what makes her happy, it's personal and non-transferable, but it's essential to focus on the pursuit of pleasure of self and encourage it to experiment; Masturbation is very important, "he said.

In the same vein, Paola Kullock, a specialist in erotic games, said that "female baduality is full of myths and external demands, in one way or another, the exaggeration Expressions like "look at me and I have an bad" are so harmful not to talk about the subject ".

"To love, to love our body, to encourage us to experiment, to ask another one or another what we love, how, where is it part of the path to reach bad, also to understand that There is no way that "it's fine" and that we do not allow compare, "Kullock said.

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And he continued: "Some women ask me, for example, that their partners tell him that he can not reach bad only in a certain position or in a certain way and the question is … why not?"

On August 8, it was created in 2006 as International Day of Female Orgasm, initiated by an initiative of the Brazilian municipality of Esperantina, which, after conducting a survey showing that 30% of women were anbadic , had proposed at that time to make visible aspects of the disease. female baduality

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