Albert Einstein: the genius who predicted black holes


On April 10, humans saw, for the first time, a "Black hole" , result of the work of an international consortium of 200 scientists from "Horizon Telescope of the Event" (EHT) unprecedented technological progress. The resulting image confirms the postulates of Albert Einstein's general relativity. The German scientist exposed this theory more than 100 years ago.

I consider that men who possess more inner wealth have less need to show it.

Year 1921. Stockholm Square, capital of Sweden. He was going to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics.

A man with a thick mustache, hairy hair, and a smiling, warm face, was walking towards the stand.

He called Alberto Einstein.

Why astonishment? Because the winner was wearing a simple sweater and in an area where everyone was wearing a tuxedo.

The King of Sweden would preside over the ceremony.

The award-winning scientist spoke. And this genius of physics did not talk about physics. He alluded to the man.

He then expressed that only the opponent is defeated and approaching him. He also added that the most precious gift is the one that man makes of himself.

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in a small German city of Jewish parents. He died in April 1955 at 76 years old.

His badumptions about the universe and his famous theory of relativity – which my ignorance even prevents from explaining – have replaced Newton's theory, valid for several centuries.

Einstein was not a wise man confined in the ivory tower of his talent. He played his prestige and even his physical security and his tranquility for the defense of the human cause.

Her only sister, "Maia", in her memoirs, wrote that at age 3, Einstein had learned to speak. He was taciturn and had little affection for children's games.

In elementary school, he was a mediocre student. And just in the third or fourth year of high school, which he did at a polytechnic school in Zurich, Switzerland, he began to show his talent.

In 1900 – he was 21 years old, Einstein, he got a doctorate in science, unique case. He is married the following year. He had 2 children and 2 others from a second marriage.

In 1925 he visited Argentina. Here, he dictated several conferences with the simplicity of the big ones. That they do not need to show their greatness. It was a man of a beautiful irony.

He once spoke of his theory of relativity, crystallized in 1916, at the age of 37:.

Courageous and dignified, he signed many demands and adhered to any noble and just struggle.

But he was not a politician, but a humanist. In 1933, he left Germany as a result of racist laws against the Jews, for which he was deprived of his chairs.

They offered others in Paris. Then he did it in Belgium and London.

He eventually settled in the United States. -The second world war was already under way. There, he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt, explaining that the element of uranium could be used in the manufacture of terribly destructive weapons, such as the atomic bomb.

They had to be thrown in Hiroshima, Japan, then to Nagasaki, three days later, to convince the opponent.

Einstein, humanist at all costs, could not bear the deep sorrow that had caused such destruction. Even if this bomb was not its unique and exclusive creator.

He never thought that the atomic bomb would be used for these purposes, and he devoted himself from that time to preaching harmony and peace in pamphlets, speeches and books.

It was an example of nobility, dignity and altruism.

And an aphorism for Alberto Einstein who, on April 18, 1955, at 76, left us forever:

"Higher spirits do not need to win, they just need … to give."


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