Alberto and La Rosada: a request for a truce in the Frente de Todos takes for granted


The communicating vessels are numerous and varied, but Alberto Fernandez understood that no truce possible with a government that continues blaming the front for the entire economic crisiseven when it was Casa Rosada herself wearing the white flag.

The candidate for the presidency of the opposition had accepted the request he had made Luis "Toto" Caputo. He would not criticize the measures and would remain silent while waiting for the results. calm exchange. Fernández has known for years the former president of the Central Bank and even inscribed on his list of friends. When they give him the names of the leaders of Together for Change, he saves only two: that of Caputo and that of the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilio Monzó. He also speaks with the latter, but no longer as a government envoy.

He was the first to meet the winner of STEP of August 11th and asked for a break in the strong electoral struggle with Mauricio Macri. A few weeks ago, Caputo had reappeared with a defense against the opposition candidate.

Fernandez accepted the request. Not only him, but also other close men with whom Casa Rosada maintains dialogue.

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One of them is the economist Emmanuel Alvarez Agisresponsible for direct dialogue with the Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza. There were more contacts, and Maria Eugenia Vidal he had to talk again with his former ally of the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Mbada. The link was broken after closure of the lists that ended with the tiger pbad in Kirchnersince the governor preferred him in their ranks. Although Mbada still has nothing to pay, he asked that the future president of deputies, open the dialogue with the ruling party to advance in an agreement before the economic measures launched by the government. Even the head of the government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, used a common friend as an intermediary.

A few hours after these actors have agreed to reach a peace of exchange with stalemate in the statements, in the offices of Mexico Street, where works the bunker of Alberto , different alerts have started to arrive. The deputy Elisa Carrió and the senator and vice-presidential candidate, Miguel Pichetto, launched strong criticism against the candidate for the presidency of the opposition. "They themselves caused the damage, both came back to install the Venezuelan stadium," they badessed yesterday at Kirchnerism. Hours before Carrió had warned that "Alberto Fernández is a dangerous man and Cristina is chaotic, that is Venezuela", and Pichetto detailed as "If the Frente de Todos wins, Maduro has oxygen."

In the environment of Fernández, they also accuse the government for the statements of the head of Financial Research Unit (FIU), Mariano Federici. The official said that a triumph of the Front of all "could involve significant risks for Argentina" in the fight against terrorism and its financing. "They put us in touch with the nacotraffic in the middle of the truce. It was another gesture of hostility. How are they going to tell us that if we are just talking about the economic crisis they caused, are we responsible for breaking the links? They asked in the campaign bunker.

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After these statements, Fernández broke the silence that he had managed to maintain. It was with an interview published yesterday by the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal, in which he declared that "now no one takes any Argentine debt nor anyone who can pay it. Argentina is in a virtual default, hidden"

"He did not say anything different from what he said," they say near Fernandez. But these statements came after the request for a truce. "This interview did not break an agreement. In a few months, he will be president. It is good that he speaks in one of the most important economic journals in the United States and that emissaries do not speak. He spoke and marked the court, "they badessed at Frente de Todos. On both sides, the responsibility for any jump in the economy lies with its competitor.


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