Alberto F. and the government crossed for safety


A tweet from Alberto Fernández sparked a wave of aftershocks from the ruling party. The "security" theme, up to this controversy, had not focused the main attention in the election campaign or provoked counterpoint between Together for Change and the Front for All.

The kickoff was given by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, also via the social network Twitter. "United States, Germany, France, Korea, Costa Rica, Denmark, Bulgaria and Italy. These are some of the countries that apply the law in which the judge can not be lied. What's wrong, Alberto Fernández, lies. It's immoral, "he said.

With her tweet, the minister had rallied to a critical opinion of the candidate of the Front de Tous to the official initiative dubbed "lie", which provides for a fine that "participates in a judicial or administrative process in knowledge." of cause ". I will assert a lie or deny the truth, in whole or in part, in any oral or written presentation made before a public authority. "

Fernández had declared, at this initiative, that "the obligation to prove the guilt of someone is incumbent on the state. These are absurd remedies.

Fernández did not miss the criticisms that Bullrich had made him ("What's wrong, Alberto Fernández, it's to lie"): "The Ministry of Security on his charge lets the police kill by behind, the FIU spies on the judges and the Ministry of Justice limits the right to defend itself in court. It's so true, Minister, that lying is wrong and immoral. Send a tweet to Macri and remember it, "returned the winning candidate from Paso.

Bullrich immediately responded: "His security statement is about defending criminals, protecting federal forces, accusing them of murderers, and maintaining a criminal system that supports lies. With you, the narcos and the jets, to party. Send a tweet to Cristina Fernández and remember ".

The national deputy of Cambiemos, Waldo Wolff, defended Bullrich and the policy of the Ministry of Security. "Dear Alberto Fernández. Minister Bullrich is a pride for many Argentines. Fight drug trafficking. I refreshed him because during his tenure as chief of staff, drug trafficking was legalized and you did not see anything, "said Wolff, recalling the ephedrine import during Kirchnerist's efforts.

With mujica The Uruguayan president supported Fernández. (FDT Press)

The national deputy of Mendoza, radical Luis Petri, joined the defense of the minister: "They threw the lawyer (by Esteban Righi), killed a prosecutor and persecuted another for investigating the power and you talk about rights of the defense? Your tweet is the only thing that clearly indicates that you continue to defend criminals. Send a tweet to Cristina Fernández and remember, "he wrote.

Leaving the National College of Buenos Aires yesterday, where he had an interview with the former president of Uruguay, José "Pepe" Mujica, the press questioned Alberto Fernández about the remarks of Minister Bullrich.

"There is a difference between someone who knows what is right and someone who does not know it. I laugh, he has no idea of ​​the law, "he added. Fernández is professor of criminal law at the UBA.

Criticism of the debate

48 hours after the first mandatory presidential debate, Alberto Fernández said that he was not preparing for the event that will take place tomorrow at the National University of the Coast, Santa Fe.

On leaving an act he shared with Uruguayan President Jose "Pepe" Mujica, the candidate answered a question about how he was preparing for the crossing between the candidates. "If, after 40 years of politics, I have to prepare for a debate, I am in trouble," he said.

Before, in the morning, he had played down the influence of the debate. He said it was "more than a media show" and that it was impossible to develop a theme in two minutes "without teasing people".


Bulletin containing the best political information, every Monday afternoon.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 10/12/2019 in our print edition.


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