Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kichner close the campaign in Rosario


Frente de Todos will close its national campaign in Rosario, Santa Fe. The presidential candidate, Alberto Fernandez; his vice, Cristina Kirchner; and leading opposition figures from across the country will participate in the most important act in the pre-opening of open, simultaneous and compulsory primaries; provided for Wednesday August 7th, in a place to be confirmed.

Santa Fe is a key district in the strategy defined by the Peronist Campaign Command to recover votes in the central area of ​​the country, where we became a powerful change four years ago. This will be the second visit of the presidential candidate, who has concluded a 48-hour visit to the center and north of the province, in the hands of the elected governor, Omar Perotti.

The former president, meanwhile, had already visited the last table of Rosario, when she commemorated the day of the flag with the scale of the tour of presentation of her libro book Sincerely '. That afternoon, thousands of people gathered in front of Metropolitan Hall to see CFK. It is expected that the announcement of the law on the closure of the campaign is also mbadive.


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Although the electoral ban begins Friday morning, it was decided to proceed with the national shutdown two days before so that candidates can focus Thursday on strengthening their message in each district. That day, Fernández & Fernández participate in activities in the province of Buenos Aires. Then we have to wait until Sunday evening, when the results start to be known, if the government and Smartmatic have it.


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