Alberto Fernández and Pepe Mujica exchanged praises and jokes


In this context, the former Uruguayan president stressed that the elected president is a "necessary and essential friend in this battle to become an America that is our nation".

In his thesis, Fernández then pointed out that "Pepe" Mujica "is a beacon, the last of the hippies, someone who fought in his youth, survived, had only one behavior and that only one logic "during his life and, therefore, He is" socially respected ".

The discussion took place in front of a crowded public of the headquarters of the Caseros high house of studies, organized by the Chairs of Contemporary Culture, Introduction to Contemporary World Issues, Issues of Sociology, Economics and Politics ; and problems of the history of the 20th century.

In his presentation, Fernández spoke of capitalism and consumption, referring to Raúl Alfonsín as an architect of "the ethic of solidarity" and asserting that his person is not "solely the result what Juan Domingo Perón left, but also Bob Dylan and The Beatles ", among others.

"Who can live in peace knowing that the neighbor is suffering?", He asked in another part of his speech, adding: "The hungry are not a statistic, how can we be at peace with our conscience knowing that or is there anyone in this situation? "

For its part, Mujica spoke of "the necessary and essential utopia of a better Argentina, a better Latin America, a slightly better world", and characterized consumerism as "liberator, it frees us time, life we ​​can spend on affections".

He also referred to the situation in Chile: "Societies are measured in macro figures, but no one asks people if they are happy, as in Chile, where the figures are barbaric but people are arguing .. it's more complicated the thing, "said and the applause of the assistants rang.

In another sentence, true to his style, he said: "They have made me look like a poor president, poor is the one who needs a lot, the one who is a slave and he never gets what he wants. he has, because he has the ambition of iron and a new home. "

During the interview, they were accompanied by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Martín Kaufmann, and Enrique Valiente, coordinator of the Bachelor of Arts and Culture Management.

Fernández travels to Mexico and begins to define his foreign policy

On his first international trip after his victory at the polls, the president-elect will go to Mexico City tomorrow to meet the head of the state of that country, Andrés Manuel López Obradorand organize meetings with businessmen, local leaders, among other activities.

During the visit to the Aztec country, Fernández will begin to define his international politics, in particular moments of tension with Brazil and the possibility of approaching United States, after the phone call that he received on Friday from Donald Trump.

The meeting with López Obrador is scheduled to take place on Monday and it will be a private meeting without a protocol, as Fernández has still not taken office.

Fernandez's agenda also includes meetings with the head of the president's office, Alfonso Romoand with the mighty businessman Carlos Slim


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