Alberto Fernández and the crisis in Chile: there is a moment when people react and stand before the government


Alberto Fernandez Crisis Chile

"Are we Argentineans aware of what we tolerate with Macri? Increase of 1500% of gas, water. It should be asked how this social passivity allowed all this to happen without any reaction, "he assessed in dialogue with C5N in parallel with the local situation.

"What is the responsibility of analysts and the media that have appeased all this?" "Thank God, there have been no reactions of this nature".

Regarding the increase of the subway in Chile, he said that "it was the cause that had angered many things. VShile is the most unequal country in Latin America"

In addition, he said: "Think it would have happened in Venezuela, what would Argentina have said, what would the world have said, what would Macri have said?" And I'm doing this thinking so that we can see how they handle our head. ".


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