Alberto Fernández and the IMF have already made contact


Hernán Lacunza He will be responsible for receiving from the Government the mission of the Fund. Although the newly appointed Finance Minister did not take part in the negotiations, he will surely be badisted by Guido Sandleris, who maintains an ongoing dialogue with the IMF.

Meanwhile, Fernández and the authorities of the multilateral organization discussed the situation of Argentina and the candidate's plans in case of possible change of government of the country.

Fernandez has stated publicly that "The agreement with the Fund is absolutely violated. Inflationary goals, growth targets, not even fiscal targets, have not been achieved, with this increase in spending, it will be less achieved. "

In the same way as the 2019 consensus candidate, Roberto Lavagna, Fernández asked President Mauricio Macri to say: "To be renegotiated with the IMF because what he signed no longer exists. I would like it to leave things in order with the Fund. "

The IMF is not only interested in getting in touch with the former chief of staff of the Kirchner government. Versions circulating in the city indicating which large foreign investment banks are inviting Alberto Fernández or his advisers, to talk about the future of the Argentine economy, given the almost total security these groups have of a change of government.

In this regard, some reports to customers of these banks they warn of a negative reaction of the markets to the election result. They consider that macroeconomic corrections are underway, such as the increase in the exchange rate, which will favor the start of the next administration, in a context where the public accounts were relatively healthy and at a time when the balance of trade country is positive. Add to that the country's wealth in natural resources – the energy of Vaca Muerta and other unconventional deposits.

On the strictly political level, they think that Alberto Fernández will have the ability to "Contain" the much-feared populist politics could strengthen Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

It's more in the business media than when the former head of the The Cabinet had gestures prone to understanding between companies and Kirchner in times of tension.


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