Alberto Fernández asserted that “the memory of the genoc …


President Alberto Fernández recalled the Armenian genocide, commemorating the 106th anniversary of its commission by the troops of the Ottoman Empire, and said his memory “would be a lifelong lesson”.

In a letter addressed to the president of the Armenian institutions of the Argentine Republic, Adriana Cámara Kasbarian, the president thanked this entity for the invitation to participate in the religious ceremony and recalled that Argentina has sanctioned Law 26199 which was established on April 24 of each year. as “Day of action for tolerance and respect between peoples”.

This date is “in commemoration of the genocide of the Armenian people, in the spirit that their memory will be a permanent lesson on the stages of the present and the objectives of our future”, wrote the president.

Fernández remarked that “without a doubt, these massacres have marked forever this thousand-year-old people, the Armenians”.

“The Argentine people know this very well because it is a community that has taken deep roots in our country. We have grown up together. I know that many and many of you love Argentina as well as the culture, the traditions. and the memory of your ancestors. Today we remember this tragedy together, ”said the President.

“Today is a very painful day. I want to accompany you with the understanding, respect, solidarity and affection with which I have always done. Receive my sincere and fraternal embrace”, concluded Fernández.

The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Ottoman Empire instituted the mass detention and expulsion of all Armenians from its territory. It is estimated that 1.2 to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Turkish troops.

The Armenian genocide is recognized by around thirty countries, including Argentina and since yesterday the United States.


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