Alberto Fernández at the Climate Adaptation Summit …


President Alberto Fernández participated this morning of the session opening of 2021 Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS 2021), where assured what is it necessary to exist a greater commitment from developed countries in the provision of technical and financial resourcess “.” We are faced with the opportunity to act collectively to respond to climate change, “the president said during a presentation to the world conference high level who seeks to promote an agenda to adapt societies and economies to the effects of this problem in the next decade.

Fernández insured what is it necessaryact in solidarity with a problem that concerns us all, But whose worst consequences are felt by vulnerable sectors“.

The president also called for this task to be assumed with “a transversal approach that takes into account specific vulnerabilities and integrates the gender dimension in all sectors”. The President said that although the covid-19 pandemic “has called many aspects into question” and “posed serious challenges that we as an international community must face”, the “The urgency of climate action remains intact“.

In addition, Fernández affirmed that “adaptation is a priority of Argentina’s climate policy, even though we are a developing country and particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change”.

During his speech, Fernandez confirmed “the commitment this Argentina maintains with the climate agenda“And indicated that the country had advanced” the presentation of a new contribution determined at the national level “.

“Our contribution includes a communication on adaptation that aims to build resilience and reduce the vulnerability of different economic, social and environmental sectors,” he noted. In addition, he indicated that Argentina’s emissions mitigation or reduction target for 2030 “represents an unconditional commitment, which includes all sectors of the economy, and is 26 percent more ambitious than the last year”.

The Mountain peak which developed in a way virtual have like goal generate a space that allows exchange of initiatives, new commitments, funding and good practices around resilient adaptation to climate change.

For that, in the afternoon the first ministerial dialogue meeting, the main annual high-level forum on adaptation, which will be opened by John Kerry and in which the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Juan Cabandié, will participate.

In addition, at the meeting hosted by the Netherlands, the Adaptation Agenda for Action was presented, which stems from the work of a commission headed by former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. , IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva, and businessman Bill Gates. Among the leaders who attended the Summit were the organizer and Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte; UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres; German Chancellor Angela Merkel; Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, of Canada, Justin Trudeau and of India, Narendra Modi, and the Presidents of France, Emmanuel Macron; from Chile, Sebastián Piñera; from Costa Rica, Alvaro Quesada and from South Korea, Moon Jae-in.


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