Alberto Fernández, at the G20 summit | A speech …


President Alberto Fernandez participate this Saturday and Sunday of the Group of 20 (G-20) Summit, which is being held this weekend practically under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia.

Fernández will deliver his speech via videoconference around 11 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. on Sunday, from the Chapadmalal residence, at General Pueyrredón’s party, after his arrival on Friday afternoon.

During his presentation, the president will develop the national position on the pandemic and stress the need to “use the principles of solidarity and international cooperation to articulate a common response to the new global challenge,” reported the presidency.

<< This Global Solidarity Pact is structured around three axes, based on health, social protection for all and economic recovery, as central points for the promotion of cooperation and unity, in order to strengthen and to guarantee 21st century opportunities for all ”, he added.

Reflecting on the screen, the leaders of the countries that make up this space for political and economic deliberation will hear his message in plenary sessions, which will deliberate this year under the slogan “Making the opportunities of the 21st century a reality for all.”

The slogan for this Saturday is “overcome the pandemic and regain growth and jobs” , and Sunday will be “building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future”.

Group of 20 summit

The G20 is an intergovernmental economic and financial coordination forum, created in 1999, to examine global issues in this area. In 2008, he was classified at the executive level to ensure coordinated responses to the global economic crisis that erupted during that year.

It is made up of 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States; and the European Union.

This year it is led by Saudi Arabia, which assumed the presidency in December 2019, and this time has invited Spain, Jordan, Singapore and Switzerland.


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