Alberto Fernández at the G20 summit: “There is a big …


President Alberto Fernandez participated this Saturday and Sunday of the Group of 20 (G-20) Summit, which is held practically under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia and held that “There is a great opportunity for us to change the way this world works.”

“In March, we proposed to generate a global solidarity pact and create a global humanitarian emergency fund,” the president said in a nine-minute speech delivered by video conference from the official residence in Chapadmalal.

In addition, Fernández ratified in front of the G20 leaders the “firm decision” of the Argentine government to “implement active public policies to contain, support and stimulate the economy” as well as “maintain financial stability”.

“For this, we will use all the fiscal, monetary and regulatory tools that are within our reach,” he stressed.

In another part of his speech, he said that “the world is moving towards alarming levels of internal inequalities, within our countries, and global inequalities” and that “The pandemic has revealed this inequality that we must tackle to live in a more balanced world.”

Regarding the situation in the country, he stressed that “Argentina has taken care of the situation of everyone who needs the support of the state”.

The President was accompanied by the Minister of the Economy, Martin guzman and the director to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Argentina and the Southern Cone, Sergio Chodos.

Reflected on the screen, his message was heard by the leaders of the countries that make up this space for political and economic deliberation in the plenary sessions and who will deliberate this year under the slogan “Making the opportunities of the 21st century a reality for all. .

The slogan for this Saturday is “overcome the pandemic and regain growth and jobs” , and Sunday will be “building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future”.

Group of 20 summit

The G20 is an intergovernmental economic and financial coordination forum, created in 1999, to examine global issues in this area. In 2008, he was classified at the executive level to ensure coordinated responses to the global economic crisis that erupted during that year.

It is made up of 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States; and the European Union.

This year it is led by Saudi Arabia, which assumed the presidency in December 2019, and this time has invited Spain, Jordan, Singapore and Switzerland.


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