Alberto Fernández baffled Mauricio Macri for the crisis in Chile: "What would I have said if that had happened in Venezuela?"


Alberto Fernandez, presidential candidate by the Front of all, He referred to the violent social and political crisis that erupted in Chile., with a balance, up to now, of 15 dead and 1500 wounded, and seized the opportunity to question the government. "What would Mauricio Macri have said if he had arrived in Venezuela?"

Different groups led social protests in the neighboring country as a result of rising Santiago Metro prices, which resulted in violent demonstrations, looting in supermarkets and the decision of the government of Sebastián Piñera de maintain the decree of state of emergency.

"In two days of conflict, 11 people have died and there are more than 800 detainees. Think it would have happened in Venezuela today, what would Argentina say, what would the world have said? What would Macri have said? I'm doing this thinking so that we see how they handle our head. Not everything is measured in the same way, "said Fernandez during a dialogue with C5N. At the time of this interview, we still did not know that the number of deaths had increased.

He added, "I'm doing this thinking so that we see how they handle our head."

Violent clashes in Chile. Credits: NA.
Violent clashes in Chile. Credits: NA.

The tension prevailing in Chile has been transferred to Argentina for at least a few hours during a demonstration at the consulate of that country in Buenos Aires. The demonstration took place in peace and until Monday 19 minutes before, a group of people assaulted journalists and cameramen. The infantry personnel of the municipal police tried to clear the area, but the protesters Molotov stones and bombs. Even for a few seconds, flames were seen coming from one of the subway entrance stairs.

One of the cameramen beaten by the protesters. (Photo: TN capture).
One of the cameramen beaten by the protesters. (Photo: TN capture).

In contrast, less than a week after the elections, Fernández severely criticized the leadership of Mauricio Macri. "Are we Argentineans aware of what we tolerate with Macri? We tolerate 1000% rate increases. A lot needs to be asked. How can we let that happen? Perhaps Dujovne He made a gesture of intellectual openness saying that this was the first time there was such an adjustment without social repercussions, "said Cristina Kirchner's partner.

In this section, he attempted to draw a parallel between the reaction of Chilean society and what could have happened in Argentina. "I do not forget the self-confidence with which Juan José Aranguren increased fuels and announced increases without anything happening. Thank God, there have been no reactions of this nature"he said.


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