Alberto Fernández called to close the crack: "You can not continue to live in the land of madness"


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernandeztoday, he distinguished President Mauricio Macri by stating that he had "an absolutely different vision of the country and methods of solving everyday problems" and once again urged the government to close the "crack" in society because, he added, "you can not continue living in the land of madness".

While his counselors are already defining a proselytism tour in several provinces and districts of Buenos Aires and agree on a meeting in Mexico City with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the applicant Fernandez raised the claim of declaring the state of affairs. food emergency.

"Fighting hunger is not a cost, but a moral duty.The situation in Argentina should shame us all," said the Peronist presidential candidate, who said that "the aid of the State is not enough to put an end to food shortages, as a society, we must engage together to end hunger in the country. "


Addressing to continental radio, Fernández again expressed his opinion on the division between the Argentines, saying that "the crack must be closed between all, I am also a victim of intolerance and I do not want to be the same, we can not continue to live in the country. " madness ".

"We must put an end to the psychology of crack Politics is a system of dialogue, of confrontation of ideas We must set up a system of coexistence and respect," said the former head of Kirchner's cabinet .

In addition, he stressed that with Macri, he had "an absolutely different vision of the country and methods to solve everyday problems".

In Tucumán

Fernández will participate tomorrow in an event in Tucumán with Peronist Governor Juan Luis Manzur, who became the link between the presidential candidate and provincial leaders.

According to sources close to Fernández, Manzur and national candidate Sergio Mbada will participate in a series of activities with entrepreneurs, traders, SMEs and workers.

Then everyone will participate in the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Tucumán Industrial Union, which will also be attended by Miguel Acevedo, President of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), and the General Secretary of the CGT, Héctor Daer.

At age 20, Fernández will give a press conference in one of the halls of the Sheraton Hotel.

From Cordoba to Mexico

On Sunday the 15th, he will participate in Cordoba for the first anniversary of the death of former governor Jose Manuel de la Sota, where he is expected to meet Peronist Governor Juan Schiaretti.

On Thursday 19, he will travel to Mexico to meet with President López Obrador, after which he will return to participate in actions in Mendoza in favor of the candidate for the candidacy of Governor Anabel Fernández Sagasti.

Another confirmed event will take place on Tuesday, October 1 in San Juan, where the justicialist governor, Sergio Uñac, and the league of Peronist governors will receive it.


Bulletin containing the best political information, every Monday afternoon.


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