Alberto Fernández: “Climate change is real …


President Alberto Fernández has ratified Argentina’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and the adoption of climate change “as a state policy” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 “The planet tells us enough. Let us assume the historic responsibility of contributing to a better world, ”said the president during his virtual participation with other world leaders at the Climate Ambition Summit, which coincides with the five years of the Paris Agreement and aims to limit global warming climate.

At the meeting organized by the United Nations, the United Kingdom and France with Chile and Italy, Fernández announced a “greater commitment” of the country in the fight against climate change. Among the new targets proposed in the perspective of 2030, Argentina plans to limit its greenhouse gas emissions to a level of 25.7%, a figure lower than that committed in 2015, he said.

The meeting was opened by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Various civil society actors and 78 world leaders participated, including French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pope Francis.

Fernández said Argentina is committed to presenting a “long-term, low-emission development strategy with the goal of achieving carbon-neutral development by 2050, and to developing a national plan for clear and ambitious adaptation and mitigation “. He stressed the importance of promoting “a high level dialogue on equitable access to means of implementation such as financial resources, technology transfer and capacity building to achieve climate commitments”. “Climate change is a reality that affects humanity as a whole and requires immediate and coordinated action from leaders around the world,” he said.

Fernández said that “the post-pandemic global reconstruction is the opportunity we have to move forward in this direction, where international cooperation and multilateralism play a leading role”. In this context, he called for progress towards an integral and sustainable development “in a just transition which allows us to rise up and to emerge better from this crisis”.

“Argentina reaffirms its commitment to the Paris Agreement and adopts climate change as a state policy,” he said, referring to the three pillars of this agreement: mitigation, adaptation and funding. He explained that the country “pays a high price for the impact of climate change on its territory and on its social and productive structure”, and underlined “the enormous effort” made in the actions of mitigation and adaptation , amounting to about “$ 15 billion with international funding.” However, he said that “although ambitious, this is insufficient” and called for greater commitment from developed countries.

In December 2015, the delegations of the 195 countries pledged to bring global warming below + 2 ° C and, if possible, + 1.5 ° C compared to the pre-industrial era. It was during the climate meeting called COP21. Signatories to the Paris Agreement must submit a review of their commitments before the end of the year. According to the organizers of the summit, only about twenty nations have done so, representing less than 5% of global emissions, so yesterday’s meeting aimed to ratify the commitments and set new objectives in the pursuit of the protection of the world. planet. Argentina ratified the Paris Agreement in 2016 through Law 27,270 and in order to comply with the commitments made, it regularly presents its inventories and nationally determined contributions.


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