Alberto Fernández congratulated the elected president of Israel: “I wish him the greatest success for his government”


Alberto Fernández and Isaac Herzog
Alberto Fernández and Isaac Herzog

After the controversy surrounding Argentina’s vote against Israel at the UN, which did not condemn Hamas’s terrorism in the region, Alberto Fernández sent a letter to Isaac Herzog this Friday to congratulate him as the elected president of this country.

“I take this opportunity to renew the ties that unite our States and wish you the best of success for your government”, argued the president.

Alberto Fernández began the letter by saying that “there are strong emotional, historical and cultural ties that are renewed day by day” between Argentina and Israel and recalled that our country “has the largest Jewish community of Latin America”.

“There are many Argentinian families who have settled in Israel and many students and professionals who come to their country to deepen their training. Our countries have built a huge common space which allows us to share a broad common work agenda ”, declared the Head of State.

Letter from Alberto Fernández to Isaac Herzog
Letter from Alberto Fernández to Isaac Herzog

And he added: “I renew my congratulations and best wishes for you in your management.

Alberto Fernández’s congratulations come days after Argentina was embroiled in a strong controversy with Israel and other powers over their implicit support for the terrorist organization Hamas. It happened at a UN meeting where Argentina and four other Latin American countries voted in favor of the creation of an international commission with a broad mandate to investigate allegations of human rights violations before and during the last conflict between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas.

The resolution received 24 votes in favor and 9 against, and 14 countries abstained. Five Latin American countries voted for: Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela. None of them condemned the Hamas attacks.

The consequences for the government were diverse. The most important was the summons of the Argentine Ambassador to Israel, Sergio Urribarri, to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, where the country then led by Benjamin Netanyahu expressed its unease with the Argentine position.

Alberto Fernández with Felipe Solá
Alberto Fernández with Felipe Solá

However, the Casa Rosada ratified its position through a statement from the Foreign Ministry headed by Felipe Solá: “Beyond disagreement with certain views of the Israeli authorities, Argentina hopes that the true meaning of the action of the Nations United can be interpreted. the question, as well as the need to to investigate in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel, all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law, by all actors, in accordance with the standards of international law ”.

The text also specifies that the “only” real solution to the conflict “will be obtained with the definitive emergence of an independent, democratic, viable and territorially contiguous Palestinian State, which guarantees Israel’s right to live in conditions of peace and of security “. There is no mention in the statement of the terrorist group Hamas.

The elections in which Isaac Herzog was elected took place on Wednesday, June 2. There, the former leader of the Labor Party won over candidate Miriam Peretz in a vote that took place in the plenary session of Parliament (Knesset).

Isaac Herzog with Speaker of Parliament Yariv Levin
Isaac Herzog with Speaker of Parliament Yariv Levin

Herzog, 60, whose last three have headed the Jewish Agency, will be the new head of state, replacing Reuven Rivlin, after receive the secret ballot of 87 deputies in a Chamber of 120 seats, above the twenty-six that Peretz obtained.

Nephew of the historic Foreign Minister Abba Eban and son of the late Haim Herzog -President of Israel between 1983 and 1993-, Herzog started as a favorite against Peretz, a candidate with a more popular profile and associated with the right, but without positions earlier. or experience politics in the highest Israeli institutional sphere.

The new head of state will take office when Rivlin ends his seven-year term on July 9. The presidency is an official position in Israel, as decisions of the executive are vested in the government and the prime minister.

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