Alberto Fernández congratulated the elected prime minister of Israel by letter


Like what was done a few days ago with the elected president of Israel, Isaac Herzog, Alberto Fernández sent a letter to the elected prime minister of that country, Naftali Bennett, to congratulate you on your new position.

“I would like to express my sincere congratulations on your election as Prime Minister of the State of Israel. As you know, many emotional, historical and cultural ties unite our peoples. The Jewish community in the Argentine Republic is the region’s largest in Latin America, ”the president began.

And he added: “Our countries have built a common space that allows us to share a vast program of work. I hope that we can move forward in our common tasks ”.

“I take this opportunity to renew the ties that unite our States and wish you the best of success in your government. I renew my congratulations and my best wishes for you in your management ”, closed the head of state.

This is Alberto Fernández’s second diplomatic gesture with Israel after the controversy over Argentina’s implicit support for the terrorist organization Hamas at a UN meeting where, along with four Latin American countries, voted in favor of the creation of an international commission with a broad mandate to investigate allegations of human rights violations before and during the last conflict in the Gaza Strip.

On that day, the resolution received 24 votes in favor and 9 against, and 14 countries abstained. Five Latin American countries voted for: Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela. None of them condemned the Hamas attacks.

The consequences for the government were diverse. The most important was the summons of the Argentine Ambassador to Israel, Sergio Urribarri, to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the country then led by Benjamin Netanyahu expressed its unease with the Argentine position.

However, despite this, Casa Rosada then ratified its position with a statement from the Foreign Ministry headed by Felipe Solá: “Beyond disagreeing with certain views of the Israeli authorities, Argentina hopes that the true meaning can be interpreted. issue, as well as the need to investigate in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel, all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged violations and abuses of international humanitarian law. human rights, by all actors, in accordance with the standards of international law ”.

Naftali Bennett (REUTERS)
Naftali Bennett (REUTERS)

Religious ultra-nationalist Naftali Bennett was elected Prime Minister of Israel in Parliament, displace Benjamin Netanyahu after 12 uninterrupted years in power.

In his speech just before the vote, Bennett called for national reconciliation. “It’s time to pass the leadership of nation and state to the next generation. He also thanked Benjamin Netanyahu, his twelve years of service in Israel despite the differences between them.

Bennett spoke at the opening of the Knesset (Parliament) session, while parliamentarians from Netanyahu’s Likud, ultra-Orthodox parties and the Religious Zionist Party berated and insulted him, forcing him to interrupt his speech Many times. Indeed, Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, of the Religious Zionist Party, were excluded from the session during which the government of national unity was ratified, which brings together eight different political parties, from religious ultranationalists to left-wing pacifists, through the secular centrists. and even for the first time an Arab party.

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