Alberto Fernández defended criticism: "Mr. President, look no more guilty outside your own government"


he candidate for the presidency of the Front de Tous, Alberto Fernandez, He spoke to those who called him an "arsonist" and blamed him for "stoking an economic storm" after criticizing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the government of the "social disaster".

In his Twitter account, Fernández he asked the President Mauricio Macri that "stop looking guilty outside your own government", and accompanied the message with a graph illustrating the increase in public debt in dollars and capital flight plus interest, when managing change.

That's what they do not want to take care of.

President, do not look guilty outside your own government.

– Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) August 28, 2019

"Those who generated this crisis, the government and the IMF, have the responsibility to end the social catastrophe and to reverse it," Fernandez warned in a statement, adding that "the IMF's credit national government "were" used largely to finance capital outflows ".

A few hours after the Fund itself eventually denied having suggested "an advance on the elections in Argentina", different voices of the government have crossed the opposition candidate for his statements.

For example, Together for Change vice-president Miguel Ángel Pichetto said the government "is alone" because "on the other hand, they want everything to ignite".

Senator de Rionegrino asked that "we stop encouraging the absurdities of the transition" because "on the other hand, they want to burn the pioneer". "They are throwing gasoline," he added.

"This is not a transition period, but today, stability is not only a commitment of the government, but also of other sectors, a statement made yesterday by Alberto Fernández cost 300 Millions of dollars in the country, "said Lebanese production minister Dante Sica at the IDEA conference at Usina del Arte in La Boca.


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