Alberto Fernández defines his team


The Frente de Todos candidate is led by three groups of advisors, composed of economists with different profiles. The itchy name

None of the interlocutors of Alberto Fernández during his stay in Spain wanted to make him heard in public. But the problem was hiding at every meeting he had with businessmen and with Santander bank chief, Ana Botín.

The leaders were worried about the plans of the main presidential candidate of Argentina from December. Mostly, Regarding the debt and his opinion on how he intends to order the economy, which has lasted for almost a year and a half, without finding an anchor point for stability.

The women and men of the Iberian companies were waiting for a sign of the designation of Alberto F. at the head of the Ministry of Economy. The candidate left in his presentations that in his government he would send rationality and not frighten. And that the priority will be for the economy to return to growth as soon as possible.

Alberto F. has already publicly stated that he will only pronounce the name of his minister after the elections. But his weakness is Roberto Lavagna. He is the person to whom the candidate would entrust the management of the economy if, as the vast majority suppose, he arrives in Balcarce on December the 50th.

When he was questioned again during his recent trip to Madrid, the candidate responded by saying that he was already turning into a watering hose whenever he was consulted by a proper name: "I have no idea what Roberto wants to do," he repeated. , about Lavagna. Meanwhile, the federal consensus candidate has come to point out that there was no contact from the Front of All and that his goal is still to reach the presidency.

Today, Fernández is managed by three groups of advisers. The one, more intimate, with which he works since the time of the group Callao, with Matías Kulfas and Cecilia Todesca. Guillermo Nielsen also belongs to this closest group.

But in the head of Alberto F. works the model of Nestor Kirchner, who had a radial management of power and decision-making.

For this very reason, the candidate usually communicates, individually, with another group of extremely confident advisers, whom he takes into account in his speeches, but with whom he does not follow day by day.

There are economists from different backgrounds in the Kirchner area: Emmanuel Álvarez Agis, Arnaldo Bocco, Angel Miguel Pesce, Miguel Peirano and former Central Bank President Martín Redrado. All talk at least once and twice a week with Fernández. Usually summons them for specific questions, but related to the critical situation.

The third group is composed of renowned economists, from different ideological and political tendencies. The vault is wide: it goes from the former central bankers of Kirchner, Mercedes Marcó del Pont and Alejandro Vanoli to Carlos Melconián, with whom AF has already had breakfast on at least two occasions during the last two weeks.

Names in conflict

Near the candidate, they say that it is true that Alberto F. closes the idea of ​​becoming his own Minister of the Economy. The "Nestor style". This was the case during the campaign, when he asked that his advisers not be taken for reference. And more, when he came out to explain that it would be necessary to use the money to support the Leliqs ball to finance an increase in retirement.

This idea has been criticized for the apparent technical inconsistency of the approach. But Fernandez was allowed to do what he wanted: to introduce the economic crisis as the axis of the campaign.

The question is whether this same logic could apply to the everyday life of a possible government, in the context of an increasingly serious crisis.

Two positions coexist in the nearest circle of the candidate. An example that mentions that the future Minister of Economy "will be a young and disruptive", as was the case for Kirchner to launch officials such as Peirano, Martín Lousteau or Axel Kicillof himself even.

If that were the case, Álvarez Agis would have all the badets. Young character, former deputy minister of Axel in the last period of the government of Cristina Kirchnerhas strengthened its political lines with Peronism in recent years. And, something relevant for that time, he established a network of contacts on Wall Street.

Álvarez Agis says that after going through the public administration, he no longer wants to face this challenge. "But politics is politics, and if Alberto calls it, it will be difficult to refuse," said a "Albertist" from the first hour.

In fact, that's what Fernandez did with Nielsen. When he needed him at his side to sit with the envoys of the Monetary Fund, the simple thing was: "Guillermo, do you want to devote yourself to counseling, teaching or politics?" Nielsen answered him for the last option and, from that moment, he went to the presidential candidate.

As for Nielsen, the latest version of his future in the next team is related to the opportunity to devote himself to the field of energy. Or as the minister of the region, or even as the head of YPF. Nielsen's wish is to let him administer Dead Cow.

The other ploy imagined by those closest to Alberto F. concerns an old-fashioned minister of the economy: an economist who centralizes decisions. A tactical design despised by both Kirchnerism and Mauricio Macri. Nothing from a strong and powerful minister.

The last of this style was Domingo Cavallo in the 90s. In the boom of convertibility, the minister came to challenge the president's power spaces, which – beyond the badessments made on this reality – became unacceptable for Nestor. and Cristina Kirchner and for Macri.

The question that needs to be clarified now is whether the next president will be forced to return to this regime to deal with the crisis.

Some put it on an eminently political side. As Omar Plaini, the leader of the guild of canillitas, one of the first that was characterized by the idea of ​​CFK to join Peronism. "Alberto must turn to a strong industrialist, in the style of José Ber Gelbard in the 70s."

This powerful figure as minister of the economy is claimed by a relevant sector of leaders close to Fernández as well as by the business sector. The Macri government complained of the lack of a valid interlocutor to solve the problems.

After all, this is one of the main functions of a minister in power. Someone who solves problems in the day-to-day management, who otherwise takes charge of the administration.

In addition, a leader who is familiar with the PJ candidate suggests that the official appointed by Alberto F. should be a person with deep knowledge of how to think and move business people and how the real economy works. .

"This time it can not be someone who comes from the financial world", repeat near the candidate.

One of the leaders who was with AF in the last hours before the trip to Madrid points out that he imagines an economist rubbing himself to the productive sector. "It is essential to give a dose of confidence to the production, which has been beaten for several years, and entrepreneurs need a strong gesture," the source said.

A minister with multiple challenges

The minister who presumes will have challenges everywhere: Fernandez has already announced that he will attempt an excellent price / salary agreement. It is also an administration of foreign trade. And a whole series of measures in the financial field.

Domingo Cavallo, whether we like it or not, knew in detail how the economy works. I've had a decision on the smaller tax issues, even with regard to unions or privatized companies. Or directly with the finances. And proximity to political leaders. With each of these sectors, he could build bridges or fight. But I made decisions all the time.

The question posed in the "red circle" is to know if there is today a figure of this caliber. Some businessmen have thought of Miguel Bein, who has a vast entrepreneurial career and knows perfectly the sources of the city. But Bein, as far as we know, stays out of public life.

For some businessmen, Redrado could also fill a vacancy of this caliber. He has contacts with central bankers and international organizations. He also weaved a network with businessmen. and maintains broad relations with politics. The difficulty lies in his relationship with Cristina. The former president was the one who had fired her from the Central Bank in 2010.

Fernandez has repeatedly reiterated that he would only announce his government once that he would have ratified his first round victory on 27 October. It seems logical. But it is also that, before, it gives more concrete signs of the economic trajectory that it intends to follow.

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