Alberto Fernández denied having a fluid dialogue with Mauricio Macri


The candidate for the Presidency of the Front of All, Alberto Fernandez says that they do not talk regularly with Mauricio Macri and that's what the president is trying to establish.

After the overwhelming result of the OSPP, in which Fernández gained to a big difference, the media gave birth to the idea that the two leaders were in permanent dialogue, especially to seek in harmony a way to out of the economic crisis that is raging in the country. .


An investigation ensures that Alberto Fernández takes it with nearly 50%

But this afternoon, the former chief of staff denied the rumor and claimed that "this is the version that Macri wants to install".

"We did not talk much," says Macri, "but I can count on one hand for the meetings," he said.

After his trip to Spain, he confirmed that the president "sent him WhatsApp messages".


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