Alberto Fernández: "Do not worry, I will not close the economy"


Alberto Fernández this week, after leaving the Homeland Institute after meeting Cristina Kirchner Source: Archive – Credit: Fernando Mbadobrio

In an attempt to ease tensions with President Bolsonaro, he defended Mercosur, saying the relationship with Brazil was strategic. expected that he is evaluating a managed monetary flotation system

Determined to ease tensions with the Government of Brazil, a country that is at the heart of Argentina's development strategy,
Alberto Fernandez put an end to the confrontation with the president
Jair Bolsonaro and sent a
stability message For the whole region. "Do not worry because I will not close the economy," he said in an interview with LA NACION.

The sentence is a response to
the threat posed by the Brazilian president and his minister of the economy,
Paulo Guedes, about which his country would leave the
Mercosur in case the next Argentine government – a government of Cristina Kirchner, they said – decided to close the economy.

"For me, Mercosur is a central place, and Brazil is our main partner and it will continue to be so.If Bolsonaro thinks that I will close the economy and that Brazil will leave Mercosur, stay calm, because I do not plan to close the economy.It's a stupid discussion, "said the Todos Front candidate.

In the same vein, he even stated that he was not opposed to the conclusion of trade agreements by Mercosur with other blocks. But he warned that this should be done by protecting national interests.

"My problem is not that the economy is opening its doors, my problem is that this opening is hurting the Argentines, if it opens the doors, preserve the Argentines, be welcome," he said. during the dialogue with THE NATION.

Work problem

After the triumph that left him at the doors of Casa Rosada and made him a virtually elected president, Fernández was ready to accept the flexibility of collective agreements, when an agreement was reached between the unions.

"Anything by conventional means, it's a decision of companies and workers.What I do not want, is to put in place general rules of flexibility.Everything is not the same, "he said, reiterating some of the questions
He met Thursday with the owner of Mercado Libre, Marcos Galperin, a defender of labor reform.

In view of the October 27 elections and transfers of command, on December 10, the Front de Tous candidate insisted that the president renegotiate with the IMF to postpone the dates planned for the coming years.

"The government signed an agreement that it was impossible to respect and that it did not respect at all.It failed to achieve the objectives in terms of inflation, growth and budget.What Macri needs to do, is to reestablish the link with the Fund and explain why it has not accomplished anything.Because, otherwise, you have to take care of the one that comes from all your faults , "did he declare.

He explained that he was expecting the next IMF mission to ask for an opinion on the terms of the next disbursement, ie $ 5,400 million, and reiterated that it was "impossible" the payment dates are respected. "The only solution that appears is to postpone the dates," he said, anticipating the position he will occupy in this negotiation, which reminds him of the role he played under the government. Néstor Kirchner.

At another meeting with this administration, the former chief of staff had expected that he would apply a "floating management" dollar policy when he reached the presidency. He reiterated that the current level of the US currency, which closed Friday around $ 58, is enough. But he moved away from Monday's devaluation. "When I said $ 60, the dollar was good, I said it when it was $ 67 or $ 68. I said that a $ 60 dollar was suffering the fall of the currency relative to inflation. The dollar seems reasonable. A $ 60 dollar is a dollar that makes production competitive and makes exports possible, "he said.

A key position

Who could be the man who, from the Ministry of Economy, was responsible for implementing these policies? The candidate reserves the name. He does not want to subject this prospective official to a four-month wear and tear. Is it crazy to think that you can offer a charge to Roberto Lavagna? "This is not an exaggeration, I have always regretted that he left the Kirchner government, but what I do not know is what Lavagna wants to do," she said. he answered LA NACION.

In the dialogue, Fernández reiterated his concern about the effects that the announcements of the president may have on the inflation index and the provincial budget accounts. "These measures, even if you agree with the goal, you have to consult the provinces because the disruptions generated are huge.What I want, that is why they do it without discussing it with the provinces, "he said. VAT on essential foods and reduction of earnings.

Nor is it committed to maintaining the fuel price freeze without agreement with the sectors concerned. "The measures announced by Macri can not be taken like this without telling anyone," he said.

He explained that if he wins the October elections, he will try to apply a refund of VAT on basic basket foods to holders of the Universal Child Benefit (UHC), disability pensions and minimum pensions, but only after having an agreement with the government. Governors

"This is not a problem that I can solve alone.There is a lot of co-participation.It is money lost for co-participation.It is a question delicate, because there are provinces with a very fragile budget situation.For example, Catamarca stops charging $ 1100 million for this.It is a month salary in Catamarca, "he said.



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